Wednesday, October 5, 2022



There surely is a need for self-discipline.  We need to stop running to the fridge in a frenzy for various forages for food, or to the cupboard for potato chips, to the basement for alcoholic drinks, to the gaming tables, and so on.  When we are "in Christ" we have the Holy Spirit working with us to bring about desired God-honoring behavior.  One of the fruit of the Holy Spirit is "self-control".

Let us not run aimlessly to and fro in uncontrolled manner for anything.  Cry out to Abba Father to stablize you, to tell Him you want to be self-controlled and then practice it.

He will help.  Let Him.  Turn your eyes upon Jesus and want Him, so you can run with patience in purposeful direction and not be disqualified for that crown which will last forever.

Then we will be able to preach the gospel with effective abandon because Jesus will then be reflected in us, shining forth from us, and hearers will know that we surely mean what we say.

Run this 'race' straight and true for the finish line.  May we each, in Christ, have the mastery over ourselves with Holy Spirit's help, to finish well and be able to humbly lay our crown at the feet of Jesus in glory, as we rejoice in Him and His glory.

                                                    ~ERC  October 2022~

Based on 1 Corinthians 9:24-27; Isaiah 29:19 NIV.

Sing, Have Thine Own Way Lord, along with TrueGodBible.

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