Monday, October 24, 2022

Book Review - Unhiding of Elijah Campbell - By Kelly Flanagan - Publication Date: 18 October 2022

 'Comtemplative' is the adjective I'd use for this book that reads like an autobiography but is actually faith based fiction.  The life of Elijah Campbell (Eli) is in a scramble - some would call it a "mid-life crisis".  He seems to pout and whine and kick up an angry tantrum or two, precipitated by his own hiding of many secrets of his past as well as his present, even from his wife Rebecca, which culminates in a bleak - looking future.  Thus the need for the "unhiding".

I almost gave up on this book because it seemed like a spoiled brat whinging and wallowing in self-pity and found it boring in parts, so I admit to reading in spurts and skipping paragraphs here and there, until I got 'arrested' with narrative of interest, about which to cogitate.

However, empathy did kick in, and I had to realize, hey! many people have past hurts and traumas, or are even occuring in their current present, that horrendously affect their present and their trust in the goodness of God and I needed to give Eli a break.  So saying, I believe this would be a good therapy-type of book (although actual going to a therapist should not be precluded if need be, especially if having suicidal thoughts, I believe).   Those people of like childhood angst could relate to and even may be greatly helped by Eli's struggle and wrestling to heal and find that place in which to cross that nightmarish bridge to moving into their future with faith, healing and fortitude.

May this be a message of hope and healing to many.  

                                             ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                           June 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by NetGalley and InterVarsity Press publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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