Thursday, October 6, 2022

Book Review - Chaos at Carnegie Hall - By Kelly Oliver - Publication Date: 7 November 2022

 This very fun romance-tinged mystery seems like a cross between an Agatha Christie and a Sherlock Holmes sleuthing story to me.  The characters lend snap, crackle and pop, especially the illustrious British spy Miss Fiona Figg, keeping an eye on the villian to catch him if she can; Captain Clifford Douglas, the chaperone; Captain Hall, the boss; and frilly Eliza Baker with her Pekingese.  What merry chase across the Atlantic! Then there were Fredrick Fredericks and Archie - could either of them be trusted?  How was John Edgar Hoover involved, was it more than just the heckling?  How about Mr. Edison, was he implicit in this case and who killed Schweitzer;  each are good questions for Miss Figg to figure out.  

Having the setting to be during WWI, gave birth to double agents of the male variety here and there with plots and foiled plots, intermingled with suffragettes and murder.  Chaos, indeed, all around!  "Just, brilliant!" as the British would say.

Any reader who's not British may take exception to some of those kinds of expressions and vocabulary but they do lend flavor to the tale and overall, I'd say this is a good, clean, fun book which I totally enjoyed and one that will keep the neurons popping.  Happy Reading, all!

After the addenda of "acknowledgements" and "about the author" the reader is treated to a foretaste of a next-in-the-series book of Miss Fiona Figg mysteries, that'll have your curiosity peaked and you begging for more.  Oh well, at least in my opinion.

                                             ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                       September 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary copy sent by NetGalley and the Boldwood Books publisher.

Read review in Goodreads.

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