Sunday, October 16, 2022

Book Review - Giving Your Words - By Sally Clarkson and Clay Clarkson - Publication Date: 18 October 2022

 We often hear that we speak too much and get ourselves into trouble.  However, this book looks at words with a whole new positive perspective that is totally refreshing and renewing. Thoughtful, contemplative and constructively intentional words spoken by Christian parents are the key  message I "took home" from reading this book, Giving Your Words.

Words matter, so speak them with care.  God spoke, the authors said and our world came into being, much like we read in C.S. Lewis' Narnia series - only much better, of course.  Words that come with non-verbal gestures and facial expression tell the children so much about a parents' thoughts and level of care about them.

Sally and her husband Clay Clarkson, who co-authored this book of parenting, suggest that storytelling, much the same as Jesus telling parables, will have greater impact than our haranguing of words.  An expression used at one point is "dadly wisdom".  I really like that.  Both parents involved and communicating words of faith and godly wisdom, coming from the head of the family.

I also like how these parents have developed several acrostics to help themselves, and which they share in this book, to give godly wisdom to their offspring in a systematic, yet flexible manner.  One of these is WORLDS among several others.  Each chapter has a key verse to consider and ends with what the authors termed, "parenting verbalologistics" (great word), which is a significant conclusion to the major points of the message of that particular chapter, in a nutshell, or even to some more hands-on suggestions.  Really though, don't miss all the explanations from introduction to conclusion.  There are also delightful blurbs from each of the authors' children which give testimony to which particular aspect of their parents' parenting impacted and nurtured them the most throughout their growing up years.  Another analogy that gladdened my heart was the story about Daniel in the Parent's Den but, ha, ha, I'm not going to give it away.

All in all, a very wholesome book which I wish I would have been able to read when my own children were in the nest.  So Christian parents with young families out there - here is a wonderful gift of words for you, lending godly guidance to raising your children on a firm foundation of faith in a world ever increasingly determined to snatch them away.  God bless.

                                                   ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                                   May 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.