Friday, October 28, 2022

An Aroma and A Promise


One of my Bible Study lady buddies shared from Genesis 8:15-21 the other day.  Her emphasis was on the rainbow, God's sign and symbol of His promise to Noah and subsequently to all mankind, that He would not flood the whole earth ever again.

That very morning before the study, I had been reading 2 Corinthians 2:14-17 (NIV) where Paul talks about "the aroma of knowledge of Him" and of Christ.  When we then read Genesis 8:21 just hours later, it really punched the "aroma" home.

"The LORD smelled the pleasing aroma..."

Then He made His promise to Noah.

What was the spark that flared into flame God's benevolence and pleasure?  It was that after all the hardship Noah went through - being mocked while building the ark, preaching to unrepentant hearts for more than a hundred years or so; being confined and locked down in the ark for months with smelly animals; that when he was finally let out of the ark, he did not raise a fist against God, nor grumble and complain!  


He built an altar and sacrificed and worshiped the LORD!  I kind of think there was praise and thanksgiving too, for being seen safely through his and his family's, 

"valley of the shadow of death" (Psalm 23:4).

This is what prompted the LORD's accepting and being pleased with Noah's worship, terming it, 

"a pleasing aroma".  

The Lord never goes 1/2 measures either.  He then made His promise to Noah.

Actually, we often only recall the first part of the two-part promise.  The first is about not flooding the whole earth ever again.  The second part is that the seasons will continue to come round:  seedtime and harvest; summer and winter,

 "as long as the earth endures" (vs 22).

Let's all make alike aromas to please our Heavenly Father.  Remember to give thanks with humble hearts filled with gratitude and praise for all He does for us.  Let us worship and adore Him in Jesus' name.  What free-will sacrifices will we make for Him?

My friend noted that Noah made his out of the very few clean animals he'd had in the ark with him.  His offering wasn't about making bargains with God.  It's important to realize that.  It was sincerely free-will - no strings attached.  His only motivation was to worship and give thanks.

God is no man's debtor of course, as we've seen with His pleasure-and-promise response to Noah's thanksgiving (Romans 11:35).  Noah's only motivation was to worship and give thanks.  Just because God 'gave' something back to Noah, we should not let this be incentive for immolating our sacrifices to Him.

Truly, wholeheartedly, worship, serve and sacrifice to the One Who gave His all for you, for me, for all mankind.  Make pleasing aromas of worship to Him, your Lord and Master. He has promised everalasting life and to be with us always.  We serve a faithful, living God who always keeps His promises.

                                                     ~ERC  October 2022~

Based on Genesis 8:15-22 NIV.

Sing, Give Thanks.

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