Thursday, October 6, 2022

Pampering and Praying for Pastors

 Pampering pastors doesn't come amiss and praying for them is equally important.  The month of October is designated to focus on this.  Believers everywhere, be sure to show your love and appreciation to those who guide you into greater understanding and relationship with Abba Father God through Jesus Christ.  

These are our spiritual leaders in Christ.  Of course, we can't and mustn't forget the Holy Spirit's working within us either.  He is foremost and the One who also helps the pastors and teachers of the Word, in their work and preaching and spiritual shepherding.

To all pastors and Christian spiritual leaders, out there, may you each be refreshed in Christ and know renewal, reviving work He can bring to you personally and as you work for HIM.  When it feels like others forget you and your family, know that He has His eyes upon you seeking and working good for you.  May His wisdom flow out to you where you feel you lack.  May His goodness and kindness be a mantle upon you as you are clothed in His righteousness.  May His glory shine forth in and through you as you share His Light, the Light Who is Jesus.

All children of God, let this month be the one where pastors, preachers, and all Christian leaders and workers become greatly aware of your care, love and appreciation for all they do for you.  Give them tangible acknowledgement.  Remember that such leaders are also worthy of their hire (1 Timothy 5:17-18 and Luke 10:7).  They are worthy of double honor when they direct the affairs of the church well.

It is truly good to be reminded of 1 Timothy 5:17-21.  First, in terms of their salary.  Do not neglect it nor neglect raising it appropriately and regularly as would any secular job dictate.  Secondly, that which would stab at the heart, soul and spirit of any in pastoral roles - gossip, false accusation and the like!  Steer clear.  This can tear at the pastor and his/her family like hyenas attacking their prey.  It's like totally knocking the person off their feet, seeking to destroy them.  Don't do this!  

Instead be a support to them, not just in the month of October, but the whole year round.  Pray, pamper within reason, speak well of those who lead and guide faithfully with honor and humble obedience to their heavenly Father and Who is their Good Shepherd.

The other day I was in a prayer meeting with some of the NECF Malaysia pastors and congregants.  There was a short list of aspects one could pray for, for the pastors and spiritual leaders, and believe this could even include missionaries who also get forgotten betimes.  Here's what the list, that by no means excludes other areas you may think of, includes:

"1.  Ask for wisdom from God to lead their churches and strong teams to fulfill God's destiny.

  2.  Good health to be able to be focused and efficient.  Divine protection from all evils and sickness.

 3.  Build strong personal and family altars.

 4.  Divine provision to provide for the family and church (pastors are often underpaid).

 5. Pastors and leaders would...

     a) have a great passion to learn the Truth of God (Psalm 25:5);

     b) be armed with the Truth of God (Psalm 145:18);

    c) be sanctified by the Truth of God (John 17:17);

    d) walk in the Truth of God ( 1 John 3:18) and impart it to their children through family altars.

   e) hold fast to the preaching of the Truth of God (1 Kings 17:24)."

Blessed be the tie that binds pastor and parishioners together in Christ.  May God's blessings be upon all in double portions as we all build each other up in our most holy faith, becoming mature, in Christ.

                                                  ~ERC  October 2022~

Based on 1 Timothy 5:17-21; Luke 10:7 NIV.

Sing, Pastor's Song by Donna Jackson.

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