Monday, October 10, 2022

Book Review - God Shines Forth - By Michael Reeves and Daniel Hames - Publication Date: 11 October 2022

 I feel really blessed by reading this book.  It explains a lot and makes good sense especially if evangelism has been almost like a 'thorn in your side' because you feel guilty not to be able to 'do it' well.  Even though this book is geared towards preachers, evangelists and missionaries, the rest of us congregants can learn a thing or two, chiefly, since we too are meant to propagate the gospel, sharing and shining forth the glories of God's glory.

Knowing God through Jesus brings us His glory and light for shining and drawing others towards Him (not towards ourselves, which the authors seem to be saying is a big reason why we fail and/or burnout in this aspect of Christian living).  When lit with God's energy and strength bringing revival to ourselves first, then as believers who transform more to His image, being empowered by the Lord to shine out to others.  In this manner, evangelism will happen naturally.  This is the nugget of message I gleaned from the authors and appears to be the main thrust of this Christian book.

The authors have harvested much from other authors and evangelists such as Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, C.S.Lewis, Martin Luther, John and Charles Wesley and a number of others.  They lead us towards a better understanding of why we may feel and be, ineffective to the point of wanting to give up in our evangelistic efforts; feelings of guilt, obligation, and so on that surface up even in dedicated service for the Lord.  This expose, is a grow book, to "grow out of ourself and into Jesus Christ," who is the Light of God, guiding readers towards the essential impetus to God shining forth in and through us to, as mentioned above, more natural evangelistic outcome. 

I hope and pray many will take up this book and read it.  I believe it will be a blessing to many souls who do, as it has been to mine.  Thanks to the authors for their faithful explanations.

                                            ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                      September 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimetnary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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