Sunday, October 2, 2022

God My Redeemer's Omnipotence

Father God, You are my Redeemer!  You are all powerful, the Almighty One.  You have saved my life, bought me back from the clutches of the evil one.  How great is Your salvation!

You are omnipotent - greater and bigger and more powerful than any one human being.  We can never fathom Your thoughts nor get to the bottom of them, no matter how hard we may try.  Yet, in Your great love and mercy, You have shared many of them with us as part of that redemption through Your Son Jesus.  We may not always understand Your thoughts and Your ways and dealings with us, but we do know this, in your great unfailing love, grace and mercy, You redeemed us from the fate worse than death - eternity spent in Hell without You because of our sins.  Thank-You heavenly Father, Redeemer God, for Your great and marvelous wisdom and all Your mysterious (to us) ways You have wrought for our freedom, not just from our sins and Hell, but in every aspect of our daily life.

Thank-You for helping us in all those broken down, lost places of our lives.  In all our pain and troubles.  May we ever turn to You in praise and thanksgiving for opportunities to understand You more and come to know Your ever caring and loving heart.  You are so BIG and I'm glad for it!

Thank-You, my ever faithful God.

In Jesus' name I give You praise.

                                              ~ERC  August 2022~

Based on job 28-37 (especially 33:12; 36:26).

Sing, Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It, along with Gaither Music

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