Monday, October 3, 2022

Death Sting


Father God, we weep with those who weep.  We are so saddened by the loss of our dear departed loved ones, whether a spouse, a parent, a son or daughter or sibling, among others.

When they are "in Christ," we know our loss, is Your gain, certainly, as well as his or hers who's gone on to Glory to be with You.  Nevertheless, those of us who have loved him or her, feel the crushing weight of the loss.

You understand.  You know.  You feel it too, because You too, lost Your one and only Son to death.  What a sting it was!  Comfort those of us who remain then, Father, with the comfort You had.  Comfort them in Your good time and way.

Help each of us through these most painful days, weeks, months, even years, ahead until Jesus comes for the rest of us on that glorious day of rapture to which we look forward - to be with You, forever, to finally, see Your face.

Indeed, this is the comfort You had, Abba Father.  That Jesus would have victory over death.  He'd take the sting right out of death.  Jesus rose from the dead - victorious conqueror!  He lives!  Jesus is alive!

We can face tomorrow.

We are forever grateful we have this sure hope in Christ.  It comforts to ponder that.  Death sting - gone!

Praise the Lord.

Thank-You, Abba Father!

We praise and pray in the name of Your victorious risen Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ.

                                                    ~ERC  October 2022~

Based on 1 Corinthians 15:50-57 NIV.

Sing, Raise A Hallelujah - Bethel Music.

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