Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Book Review - A Constant Blaze - By Mary Lancaster - Publication Date: 6 October 2022


The goings on in this wonderful historical work of fiction are set during the Middle Ages, roughly around 1153 and onward.  The story opens a window for a glimpse of times when warring clans clambered for ascendancy especially for the coveted position of the King of Scots, by those claiming to have royal blood and be the rightful heir.

Alas for Malcolm Aed MacHeth, around whom this story centers, along with his sons and wife Halla, Lady Ross.  Several of the books' characters were true-to-life figures, of whom this Malcolm, the Earl of Ross, once was.  Of course, this being fiction as well as historical, some of the "facts and figures" will be altered;  I believe you could call that author's license. 

The title, A Constant Blaze, is rather apt as the author, Mary Lancaster, keeps the punches coming and the reader rarely can guess what will happen next.  I really enjoyed reading this with all the intrique, galloping horses and strumming harpist.  Some may take exception though to the intimate encounters intimated and described.  All in all, a book worth reading.

                                            ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                           October 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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