Saturday, October 29, 2022

Book Review - The Women of Fisher's Wharf - By Tracy Baines - Publication Date: 17 October 2022

 Fishermen and their families the world over should be saluted for taking on the forces of the seas and oceans from which they earn their livelihood.  The ever-imminent danger at sea, lurks, taking toll on the men and their families who wait ashore.  Families wait and watch, wondering - will they see their husbands and sons, ever again?   I'd say this work of fiction is a wholehearted salute to these courageous men and boys, who daily, take their lives into their hands, and to their womenfolk who often suffer but work patiently at home and in the village to mark the time until the trawlers, hopefully, return.

Such was Alec and Letty's life.  Letty, left with her hostile mother-in-law, found a sympathetic ear and friend in the shopkeepers' ears as she helped them revive their living.  They also try to be understanding as she learns what it is to be a fisherman's wife.  The stress and strain of such a life could not be fully imagined except to experience it firsthand.  Author Tracy Bains helps the "outsider" reader do just this as she unfolds her tale that has been loosely based on real life fishermen and their families.

Anyone having grown up in a fishing village, will relate well to this story, knowing just 'how it is' with 'certain sure' clarity.  I have been well satisfied with this story and give the author a 5 Star thumbs up.

                                              ~ Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                         September 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the Boldwood Books publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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