Sunday, October 2, 2022

Lord's Day Devotion - Ignited Flare


The sheer confidence Paul had when preaching, with audacious liberality, is mind-boggling.  He was no one's lacky or slave either, except for Jesus Christ's.  It was his compulsion.  He would preach voluntarily or involuntarily whether he was rewarded or not.  Whichever, he would preach the gospel, with the abandon to,

"offer it free of charge" (1 Corinthians 9:18 NIV),

...without insisting on his rights of reward,

"as a preacher of the gospel" (1 Corinthians 9:18 NIV).

This fervor from the heart, an unquenchable flame.  Would that we all with upright hearts have such sparks ignited within us, freely and from deep within, according to the

 ''law of Christ" (1 Corinthians 9:21 NIV).

What spurred and motivated this apostle Paul?  In my mind was his encounter with Jesus along the road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-19); conversion, we call it today.  Also the love, obedience and God-given bravery of Ananias, who came to Paul's aid within the first days of Paul's conversion.  However, mostly because the gospel of Jesus Christ was the power of God that had been infused in Paul.

Going into all the world to preach the gospel was Jesus' last will and testiment to His disciples before His ascension back to His Father ( Matthew 28:16-20).  This commission has not changed since then til now.  Paul took it seriously.

What is our impetus to evangelize today?  Is our conversion not the same from sinner to saint even today?  Be fruitful and multiply.

In Christ we have the freedom to be as bold and fearless as Paul had been.  On any given Lord's Day, let us each reflect on what we have been given "in Christ" and ask for the same unflinching fire to spark and flare up within us and go out and preach the gospel with the law of kindness and goodness, and God's love springing up like the famous geyser, Old Faithful.  

Give thanks then, pass the broken bread one to another, partake.  In the same manner, take the cup of wine, drink.  Do this in remembrance of Your Lord AND Savior.  Think upon Jesus' sheer determination to bring salvation to you - and the world.  Let this be your impelling force to do as Paul has done - you too, have the right to do so, free of charge and with or without, reward.

                                                         ~ERC  October 2022~

Based on 1 Corinthians 9:15-18 NIV.

Sing, Freely, Freely, along with Marantha Singers.

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