Sunday, October 30, 2022

Book Review - Clinging to Hope - By Chuck Swindoll - Publication Date: 1 November 2022


Everyone goes through trials and troubles in life, such as:  some unexpected tests; meet with 'giants'; have doors shut on us and have a diversity of adversity of various kinds.  Through it all, as we grow in Christlikenss, Chuck Swindol is telling us in this book of his, that there's purpose and meaning to be found; therefore, 'cling on to hope'.

This has been a wonderful walk through of assurance and reassurance for me as a believer in Jesus.  I especially related to the chapter about 'enforced' solitude that comes for a while and that the Lord asks of us from time to time.  There is great merit in soliude, Swindol tells the reader - if we are humble enough to learn from it.

The reader will meet some 'popular' Bible heros such as Moses, David, Paul and Jesus, chosen specifically per chapter to emphasize a particular facet respectively, about our tribulations of life.  I've learned things from them as author Swindol enlightens along the way, lessons other than which we learn in Sunday School; quite interesting as well as very helpful.

At the end of the book are sets of questions per chapter one can reflect upon and/or discuss in a group setting.  I believe they have the potential to help make the book's message more beneficial in the spiritual growth of the serious learner who wishes to know more of God's wisdom for their lives.

                                           ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                            June 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent to me by NetGalley and Tyndale House Publishers.

Read review on Goodreads.

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