Sunday, September 1, 2024

Helping the Elderly

                                                      HELPING THE ELDERLY

                                                     By ERChin, Grace Town, NS

Grace Community Chapel held a Help the Elderly Campaign in Grace Town yesterday.

It was a great success that was the brain child of one of the chapel members whose elderly neighbor needed help with some home repairs and lawn maintenance.  The chapel committe organized their volunteer members into work groups and dispersed them with the respective equipment to the various homes of the elderly who had been veted by an earlier team that had canvased the area for potental 'customers'.

One of the elderly recipients who wished to remain anonymous mused, "If it hadn't been for the Grace campaign volunteers, I would have had to hire people to do the repairs to my roof.  I can't do these jobs myself anymore.  It saved me money I could not afford."  Another appreciative recipient, a Mrs. Grateful remarked, "My landscaping looks so good!  I was a bit skeptical at first but these chapel people really did a great job.  I'm so thankful as I can no longer do it all myself."

Grace Community Chapel plans to continue their campaign throughout the year and changing seasons to an ever more appreciative elderly clientele.

                                                   ~ERC  May 2024~

Newspaper Article created due to a Student Challenge in April 2024.

All names are fictitious as is the 'event'.

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