Saturday, September 21, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - Powerful Blood

 If you ever get a chance to visit Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, do so.  The roar and thunder of the water gushing and rushing over the falls, seeing it flow and flow, feeling the great mists and sprays baptize you by sprinkling - so to speak - gives one a picture and feel for what God's awsome almighty power must be like.

This morning I was also thinking of the song, What Can Wash Away My Sins?  Nothing but the blood of Jesus and oh precious is the flow...being the answer.

God's almighty love and provision of the blood of Jesus Christ that washes away our sins is awesomely amazing and more mighty than Niagara Falls.  Whatever sin a person has committed, the almighty blood of Jesus can wash it away, leaving no stain of sin.

This Lord's Day, brothers and sisters-in-Christ, meditate upon this great act of love for you ...


Then praise and thank Him for it all through Jesus, as you partake of the broken bread and drink of the cup of wine.

May there be great crescendo of thanksgiving equal to the powerful thundering of Niagara Falls, flowing from our hearts up to our Heavenly Father; an offering of praise from our lips.  To Him alone be all glory.

                                                       ~ ERC  June 2024 ~

Based on 1 John 17-9.

Sing, Nothing But the Blood of Jesus along with Reawaken Hymns and There's Power in the Blood, along with Amy Grant.

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