Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Shapely Feet and Legs


"How beautiful your sandaled feet, O Prince's daughter!  Your graceful legs are like jewels, the work of a craftsman's hands" (Song of Solomon 7:1)

The king (lover/groom) praises the bride's feet and legs saying they are a work of a craftsman.  In those days, craftsman were highly skilled.  For example, those who crafted the Tabernacle and its furnishings.  They'd had Holy Spirit help (see Exodus 35, esp vs 10, 31-31, 34-35 and 31:1-11).

This verse makes me think of my maternal grandmother.  Her legs, what we could see of them (knee to ankle), were very shapely even in her later years.  I often admired them.  I never mentioned them though as she may have vise gripped pinched my neck.

I wonder how many husbands detail what they love about their wives, speaking directly to them. of course.  No doubt it is the inner beauty of attitudes and character that counts most, but some appreciative words of the appearance could well go a long way for them and their interchanges.

"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver" (Proberbs 25:11).

So long as they are sincere words.

We do need to keep in mind who our Craftsman is though.  Our God is an awesome God.  It is He who made us and it is not wrong to appreciate what He has made.

What are some of the more spiritual applications to these words of Song of Solomon 7:1 though?

I really like what one person wrote (author unknown to me) & likely some readers would agree.  The bride's feet symbolize.to

"the foundation of the gospel of peace (see Ephesians 6:15).  "Our standing" (where the legs come in) "isn't based on our works but on God's grace.  Moses was told to remove his sandals (law), while the prodigal son received sandals (grace).  We stand on the finished work of the Cross, not our own efforts."

Let us go forth with the gospel of peace once we are sure where we stand.  Give glory and honor ot our Craftsman who has crafted our feet and legs, no matter what they look like.  May we allow the Holy Spirit to empower us to do so.  This will lend us shapely feet and legs.

Father God, You are our Craftsman who made us.  Thank You for fashioning us in whatever way we are.  Help us to use our beings to show Christlike behavior and to bring the gospel of peace to all we meet.  In Jesus' name I give you thanks and praise.  Amen.

                                                     ~ERC  June 2024~

Based on Song of Solomon 7:1 and an unknown-to-me author's reflections.

Sing, Saved By Grace Alone, along with bibleguy.

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