Friday, August 30, 2024

Ominous Something New (Numbers 16)


Those among the readership who are in positions of leadership will know that your authority will be questionsed and tested.  It happened to Moses, it could happen to you, whether in the home, office or even at church.

The dissenting group from among the congregation of Israelites instigated by Dathan and Abiram wanted to know who had sent Moses to be over them.  The test for this proof was "something new" so all Israel would know in definite, undisbuted answer.

The something new was terrifying.  Consequences for defying those in positions of authority were severe.  In this case, the ground opened up and swallowed the defy-ers alive.  It wasn't just those named men but their families, homes and possessions, all gone.

This showed that ultimately, 

"these men have despised the LORD" (Numbers 16:30 ESV).

It is a serious matter then, even in our day and age to question the authority of leadership.  The New Tesatment has some guidelines such as, 

"Rebuke not an elder, but entreat him as a father..." (1 Timothy 5:1-2 KJV).

There is leeway to confront if need be but not in defiance.  Also, 

"every charge must be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses" (2 Corinthians 13:1).

Attitudes and motives count.  We wouldn't want an ominous something new to happen to us.  It could cause trouble not just for us as individuals but have repercussions on our family and others.

Father God, help each of us to see when You put someone in authority over us, that we need to respect that position even if we don't like it or the person.  Help us remember that ultimately it would be defiance of You.  Help us to discern when and how to confront when a leader is not fulfilling his or her duties in a God-honoring manner.  Give us the right words, attitudes and motives.  We ask in Jesus' name, amen.

                                                          ~ERC  May 2024~

Based on Numbers 16 especially vs 30 ESV.

Sing, Lord I Need You, along with Matt Maher.

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