Sunday, September 22, 2024

Book Review - The Seaside Girls Under Fire - By Tracy Baines - Publication Date: 22 September 2024


Yet another WWII story time frame set in Britain but of those who held the fort on the home front.  In this case of the girls who entertained the lads that had to go off to the battle front.  Girls such as Jesse, Frances, Ruby, Ginny and their supportive loved ones who took their work seriously as a way to do their part for the war effort.  Their shows often went on despite air raid warnings, entertainers and crew alike, holding fast.  Other pitfalls though of the trade as Jessie experienced - never really knowing who was a true friend.  

I did find the narrative somewhat slow starting off as there were so many characters to keep track of - it felt scattered.  However, it eventually straightened out taking the reader from one stage, so to speak, to another, for Frances and Ruby, then to Ginny's plight and then back to Jesse's stage, which then circled round again.

The author did manage to create the emotions, I believe, of elation for the girls' successes, for the heartbreaking devastations, and the courage to endure the ongoing Blitz's effects.  I feel these are good glimpses of what it was to have lived through those years, for those of us who have not been through it all directly.

                                             ~ Eunice C.   Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                            September 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by Net Galley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads. 

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