Sunday, September 22, 2024

Where's Your Allegiance? (Numbers 25 NIV)


If Satan can't get to you one way, he'll use another.  Balak's wanting Balaam to curse the Israelites didn't work.  Instead, religion and sexual immorality got them.

The Baal of Peor, a fertility god got worshipped.  Men of Israel seduced by Moabite women fell into this grievious sin that earned them God's wrath.

It was a sad day and many died of a plague.  An example was also made of a couple caught "in the act" of fornication.  Human nature can be so decadant it feels depressing to me.

Yet the good news is, that some, and to name one, Phinehas son of Eleazar, remained zealous and jealous with God's jealousy for following God's ways.  God gave him a perpetual priesthood.

May our allegiance, worship and praise be only to our God through Jesus Christ.  May we listen to Holy Spirit's convictings and nudgings to do what is right in His eyes.  May we resist the devil so he flees from us.  Let's set our minds and hearts on Christ.

                                                       ~ ERC  June 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 25 NIV.

Sing, Cleanse Me, along with Nashville Skyline Digital.

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