Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Sit Still and Know

 "Be still, and know that I am God.  I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth" (Psalm 46:10).

Taking time out to be still and to get to know God will cause us to exalt God in the whole earth.   The key being able to 'sit still'.

Are we ready to "sit still" in or out of the storms of life?  We can find that tranquility and calmness by getting to know God but not in busy bustlings, rather in being still.  Sit yourself in a corner if you have to, just take that time out to do so.

As we sit still to listen to the Lord and receive from Him, getting to know His love, attributes and character may we find comfort in Him and then exalt Him and His ministrations to usward even as He teaches us about them as we have sat still.  Talk with Him all you want.

We can talk with Him all we want.  Those with whom we used to speak and consult, we can now train ourselves to turn to and trust the Lord and speak with Him.  Exalt Him then.

Father God, I exalt You and sing praises to You for all You do in my life.  Being able to sit still and listen to You as You reveal Yourself to me in ways unique to me and my situation in life.  You are so wonderful, O LORD!  May your name and exploits indeed be proclaimed and exalted among the nations of the earth.

Thank You for being the God who listens, who cares, who loves, we give tender loving care especially to the broken-hearted and freshly made widow that I'm thinking of right now.  She is being so brave and trusting You, hiding in You her shelter.  You won't disappoint, I know.  In Jesus' name I shout my Hallelujah's and thanksgiving and gratitude.  Amen.

                                                       ~ ERC  June 2024 ~

Based on Psalm 46:10.

Sing, Holy City, along with Pierre Gardy Fontaine.

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