Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Spirit of Self-Control

 "For God gave us a spirit not of fear BUT of power and love and self-control" (2 Timothy 1:7 ESV).

The spirit within us is power, love and self-control and is a gift God gave us upon the moment of salvation.

What do we generally do with gifts given to us?  We use them.  Oh right, some times we return them for refunds to buy what we'd preferred to have been given.  Or we put the gift aside or maybe even pass it on to someone else.

In this instance, however, we're talking about a gift God gave us.  Ask yourself, "What will I do with this spirit God gave me?"

I believe this spirit refers to the Holy Spirit we received the moment we accepted Christ.  Are we using this gift?

That is the question that pricked my conscience this morning upon reading the verse in the ESV.  "Hmm, I thought, I don't recall that term, 'self-control'."  Having been brought up with the KJV, I thought, that should read, "sound mind".  If I think 'sound mind,' I won't have to be convicted about the 'self-control' part.  Looking for further loopholes, I checked out the NIV; oops, that says, "self-discipline".  No sympathy there as it sounds too much like "self-control'.  Sigh...

Futher pondering and convicting thoughts and questions were,  "So, are we using this Spirit gift?  And, in what areas are we being convicted?  Yes, in what areas do I need to apply self-control?"

In my own strength, how's it going in those areas?  Not so great maybe, or with a modicum of success.  Let the gift of the Holy Spirit stride forth and aid us, better still, to take over.  This Spirit has the power to allow us the self-control when our own spirit surrenders to Him.  His power and love can flood us then and bring about self-control needed.

No doubt this is a bit out of context to what Paul was instructing Timothy but I believe the general principle applies.  Timothy seems to have been timid or fearful about using the gift of God given to him for the greater good of the assembly and among the believers with whom he ministered.

Does this sound simplistic?  I'm not mnimizing struggles we each have whether it's from the amount of potato chips we splurge on and eat, alcohol consumed, illicit sexual desires put into action or exorbitant internet usage, we can surrender our own will and control and hand the reigns to the Holy Spirit's control.  I invite myself and you to do so and may the power, love and self-control of the Holy Spirit grip us all.

Father God, thank You for the Holy Spirit's power, love and self-control that indwells each of your children.  Help us to accept Him and be enlivened thereby to aid us in line of self-control and discipline as well as to keeping a sound mind.  I invite Him to do so, in Jesus' name.  Amen.

                                                        ~ ERC  May 2024 ~

Based on 2 Timothy 1:7  ESV.

Sing, In Christ Alone, along with Keith & Kristyn Getty.

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