Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Secret Stairway of the Sky

A sister-in-Christ challenged a couple of us to read the book of Song of Songs.  She did so, laughing, because well, some of it is enough to make one blush.  Yet, she enthused, there's so many wonderful nuggets of sentiment to learn from.  "Oh, and by-the-way, read from The Passion Translation (TPT).  It really makes more sense to me," she further encouraged. 

This is how Song of Songs 2:14 TPT reads,

"For you are my dove, hidden in the split-open rock.  It was I who took you and hid you up high in the secret stairway of the sky.  Let me see your radiant face and hear your sweet voice.  How beautiful your eyes of worship and lovely your voice of prayer."

This was spoken by the Shepherd-King to His 'dove' or bride.  He seems to speak of shelter, protection, care, and intimacy in the relationship and her response to Him.  Their relationship caused her face to be radiant - have a certain glow we may say, and her voice to be sweet; the way she looked at Him, with worship in her eyes, and He remarked her voice was lovely especially in prayer so that her requests were not a burden but a delight.  Sweet Communion.

Many husbands turn off at the sound of their wives' voices.  Perhaps they have been incessant and/or grating.  Here, however was a lovely voice, and one of prayer.  After many years of marriage do you still have a glow when you see each other and gaze into each others' eyes in worship?  

I'm not speaking of idolatry here, but of that companionship, care and confidence in each other.

It really hurts when there is not such sublimeness.  The cause, "the troubling, sly foxes" (vs 15) that kill all that.  Perhaps the scenario is so tense the husband and wife barely speak with each other.  Ferret out the foxes even one iota at a time.  Pray for a breakthrough for better communication, forgiveness and reconciliation .

Take this now to our individual respective relationship with the Lord.  What is our devotional life like?  May we each find "the secret stairway of the sky" to sit and spend time with Jesus.  Read His word, invite Him to come sit a while  with you.  Worship Him and lift your lovely voice in prayer and praise.  Practice praise, not only petitions and requests.  He finds your voice lovely.

Lord Jesus, You are mine.  Actually, I am Yours and each new day with You is such a blessing.  You are beautiful beyond comprehension, as one song sings.  Spending time with You is so peaceful.  How my heart sings!  I want to come again and be with You again.  Arise Jesus, let me come, come away with You.  Amen.

                                                   ~ERC  June 2024 ~

Based on Song of Song 2:14, 15 TPT.

Sing, Arise My Soul, Behold Tis Jesus, along with Alan Parks.

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