Tuesday, September 3, 2024

David and Goliath (1 Samuel 16-18)


Most of us have been capitivated by the David and Goliath story since we were teeny-boppers in Sunday School.  I, at least, never tired of this story.

It's a story of David and his BIG problems.  Do you have BIG  problems too?  God can help you with them like He did for David.

Obviously, David's BIG problem was Goliath.  When you look at him compared to Goliath you can understand why David's brothers and the Israelite warriors were terrified of Goliath.

David was just a shepherd boy.  Granted he'd had experience against BIG problems before, like a lion and a bear, both of which he had dealt with effectively.  David believed in and trusted God and when he came up against the towering Goliath giant, he depended upon God's strength and help.  David was goaded on by his anger at Goliath's defying God and God's people.

Goliath stood at 9 feet tall (274.32cms).  He was BIG and strong; a well-seasoned warrior, likely with well developed 6-pack abbs.  He trusted in his own strength.  He was fueled by his arrogance, pride and his contempt for David,  the Israelites and for the God of Israel.

Speaking of looks, when God sent Samuel to anoint one of Jesse's many sons, God admonished Samuel not to look at the outward appearance.  He told him, 

"God looks at the heart".  

So Samuel ended up secretly anointing David to be the next king.

God had rejected King Saul as king over all Israel.  His line began and ended with himself.  His heart was not right with God.  David's was though and that's what God saw.

How about your heart?  What does it look like?  Does it have hate, jealousy, unforgiveness and/or anger in it?  How about faith in God?  Is it there even if as small as a mustard seed?  What about love and kindness?  Any goodness?  When we have God's love in our hearts we are better people because we try to please and honor God by obeying Him - doing what is right in God's eyes.

King Saul had ugliness in his heart.  God rejected him from being king of Israel.  An evil spirit then distrubed him.  This was his BIG problem but he never repented.  Instead he used false measures to calm himself.  David was brought in to play his harp or lyre in order for the evil spirit to flee away.

One day Jesse sent David on an errand to bring food to his army brothers.  That's when David heard and saw Goliath for the first time.  David heard the BIG problem Goliath laugh at and bully the Israelite army.  He heard Goliath curse them in the name of his god, which I believe was likely Dagon.  That's when David decided to fight against Goliath.

In ordinary human terms and appearances, this would not have been a fair fight.  Goliath had height, heavy armor, a sword, spear, javelin, someone to hold the spare weapons he wasn't engaged with and use of his own massive strength.

David likely had some muscle, after all he cared for sheep and must have had to do some lifting of them.  Also he did manage to do away with a lion and a bear.  However, he had no armor.  His only weapon was a sling shot and five smooth stones.  Oh, but his secret weapon was, he depended upon God's strength!  He told Goliath,

"I come in the name of the LORD."

The LORD was the Israelites' God, He was Almighty God the Omnipotent One.  Goliath should have been shaking in his boots.

"In the name of the LORD" is power and strength.  We have this same power through the Holy Spirit with us even today.  So we have Goliath who defied God and David vs David who trusted God.  God honored David with victory over the BIG problem Goliath the Giant.

We all know the story well.  David used just one small smooth stone, swung his slingshot, let it loose and the stone went flying right smack dab into Goliath's forehead.  Goliath fell down dead.  David had overcome his BIG problem with God and His strength.

Let's bring this more into the spiritual realm.  Can you see how we can equate Goliath with sin, Satan and demons and our own evil desires?  These are God's enemies as the Philistines were against the Israelites.  Satan and his minions are our enemies too; at least those of us who belong to Christ.

David is a picture of Jesus who saves us.  David saved the Israelites from Goliath and the Philistines.

Jesus saves us from our sins and then He'll help us with our BIG problems.  NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING is too BIG for Him.

What are some of the BIG things you want God to help you with?  Ask Him for His help.  See what He'll do for you.

You may think you are just an ordinary person.  David was too.  He was the youngest son and sibling and his family didn't think much of him.  BUT look at how God helped him!

David's help came from God and he tackled his BIG problem in the name of the LORD.  You can too.  Just remember that it was God who helped David and it is God who will help you.  Remember that so you won't be tempted to claim the victory in your own strength.  Remember it is God who helps us.  None of our problems are too BIG for Him.

When we trust in Him, honor and obey Him and are His child through Jesus, we can call out to Him - our Heavenly Father who cares - for help.  He hears us and cares about us and will help us in surprizing ways.

To end with, keep this verse in mind,

"The LORD does not look at the things man looks at.  Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart" (1 Samuel 16:7).

What does your heart look like?  Like Goliath's?  Or, more like David's?

                                                ~ERC  May 2024 ~

Based on 1 Samuel 16-18 and KGR P4d Lesson 5.

Sing,  Good, Good Father, along with Chris Tomlin.

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