Friday, September 6, 2024

God's Payment System (Numbers 18)

God created a certain system, shall we call it, in order for the priests and Levites, who were without inheritance, to be paid for their work of the Tabernacle.  The system was for all the other tribal groups of Israel to pay their tithes in timely fashion.  From these tithes, certain amounts were to go to the LORD but the rest to those who served Him.  This was to be their wages for their work at the Tent of Meeting.

God's system was a great plan yet it very much depended on the willingness and co-operation of the whole assembly of Israel to keep it operational.  No wonder some of the Levites got anxious (see Numbers 16-17).

When we bring this to our day and age and remember all those who serve the Lord in full time service, think of God's system of payment in those ancient times.  I believe it's no different for us today.  Those in full time ministry also need to eat, have clothing and shelter on a regular basis.  What can you do for them?  Are you willing to be part of God's system of payment?

Think of those you know who could well benefit from your tithes and offerings, not as a one off gift but a continual blessing upon them.  Go, do somehitng about it.  If you don't know of anyone, ask the Lord to lead and guide you to someone.  Wait and see what He reveals.  Let us not live in vain.

                                                      ~ERC  June 2024~

Based on Numbers 18 NIV.

Sing, Give of Your Best to the Master, along with The NCrew.

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