Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Less Boom


If Christians loved, supported and helped one another more, according to the Bible's commands, psychology could well NOT be such a booming business as it is today.  People would be more in community and not feel so isoltated and/or alienated from one another, and therefore, less prone to self-doubt, depression, and feeling unloved.

Some people may say, each person needs to look after themselves and only seek the Lord.  Other people should mind their own buisness, OR, people get too nosy and just want to know your problems to spread gossip.   There's nothing caring about all that!  This then is when they go to a psychologist who doesn't really know them very holistically.

Don't get me wrong, there can be times and places for such helps.  I'm just saying according to what I learned from Harold J. Sala in his book Counseling Friends in Need, there would likely be less boom in this industry if friends and family were to gather round and be those non-judgmental  listening ears and compassionate hearts.

However, it would need to be a two-way street.  Folks may well be willing to sit, listen, show love and care, encourage, pray, exhort and admonish but the one in trouble needs to be willing to accept such care and follow through.  Let's seriously contemplate this from both directions and be more willing to help and to accept help.  Practically speaking, it wold cost a lot less but that's besides the point.

Let's aim for God's psychiatry, His Word, His people, your friends in need and His loving one another, through you.

Gather round...

                                                   ~ ERC  June 2024 ~

Based on Chapter 1 - You Can Help People From :  Counseling Friends in Need by Harold J. Sala Q3 & 4.

Sing, Help Us to Help Each Other, along with Acapella Hymns.

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