Sunday, September 8, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - Keeping Clean (Numbers 19)


We may think that God's Old Testament rules and regulations are a bit overboard.  However, when you stop to think about it a bit more, they're not that excessive.

The children of Israel were living in a desert.  Ponder that a moment ... deserts are usually pretty hot, at least in the daytime.  What do you think said heat would do to a dead body?  Decay would happen relatively quickly and disease could come upon its heels.  So all the precautions and prescriptions regarding dealing with a dead body and becoming unclean and the ablutions for becoming 'clean' after being unclean until evening, are not so farfetched, are they?

Going through COVID-19 taught us how quickly disease can spread.  It taught us how to wash, sanitize and hopefully keep 'clean' and avoid catching it ourselves.

God's laws were for the peoples' good and benefit.  I believe He had another lesson for us to learn too.  He is holy.  He wants us to be holy too.  Sin defiles.  The blood of Jesus cleanses.  The Word of God is the cleansing water of our minds and hearts when we follow the rules (so to speak).

Let's offer submissive hearts to the Lord and obey His leading.

Father God, this Lord's Day as we Jesus followers come together to remember Him in His death and resurrection and for all He has done for us through the breaking of bread and drinking of the cup of wine, may we remember that it is only through Him that we have been cleansed and made holy in Your sight.  It is only through Him and the His Holy Spirit indwelling us that we can also live holy lives.  For this we give you our thanks and praise in Jesus' name.  Amen.

                                                        ~ERC  June 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 19 NIV.

Sing, Cleanse Me (Search me, O God), along with Bryan Gilliland.  Sing it prayerfully.

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