Saturday, September 14, 2024

Sing About Water (Numbers 21:17 & 18 NIV)

 It's a day to celebrate when water springs up from a well, especially after the backbreaking digging work.  Great satisfaction ensues.

In this case, the princes and nobles had done the work.  Imagine that!  Israel then sang,

"Spring up, O well!

Sing about it,

about the well that the princes dug,

that the nobles of the people sand - ..."

(Numbers 21:17-198 NIV).

When we thirst for the LORD we can go to the well that He dug for us, that is, His Word the Holy Bible.  We can go to Jesus, as He invited, ... 

"Jesus said ...and he who believes in Me shall never thirst ..." (John 6:35-38 NKJV).

And to the Samaritan woman Jesus answered, 

"If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked Him and He would have given you living water" (John 4:10 NIV) ...Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life" (John 4:13 NIV).

This kind of water is indeed worth celebrating!  As you go to Him may our Lord and Savior refresh your thirsty souls and spirits with His living water.

There are times when the princes and nobles, that is God's servants who minister the Word to us, dig wells for us.  Let us be glad and rejoice with them after their constant labor of love for God's people.  They did the 'wells' but we need to go and do the 'drinking', applying the Water of the Word which cleanses, for ourselves when we do, let's sing about it (see Ephesians 5:26).  It gives life.

Jesus, refresh our souls with the washing of the water of Your Word as we come and drink Your living water.  The benefits are eternal and well worth the effort.  Thanks You for Your life-giving water.  Amen.

                                                    ~ ERC  June 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 21:17&18 NIV.

Sing, Water of the Word, along with Shane & Shane.

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