Thursday, September 19, 2024

Words of Blessings (Numbers 22, 23 and 24)


Have you ever felt looked down upon, or have someone curse you?  How does that feel!?  The king of Moab, no other than Balak son of Zippor, felt threatened by the people of Israel who were marching a bit too closely to his territory.  After all, Israel had just decimated the neighboring Amorites, so he did have cause for his dread.

But Balak was proactive and schemed to have Balaam come and curse the Israelites, God's chosen people (see Numbers 22:7).  Apparently, Balaam could be bought even though he was somewhat of a man of God!  At least he did consult the LORD about the job.

Eventually God did tell Balaam to go but he could only bless the Israelites.  Then we get the interesing story of Balaam's donkey that spoke and the LORD's stern warning for Balaam to only speak the words that HE tells him to speak (see 22:35).

God was protecting His unsuspecting people.  I like to believe He looks out for us too even if false accusations do actually get laid upon us or when people are skeptical of what we speak and drip and ooze in no uncertain attitudes thereto.  We can still hold our head high knowing that God knows the truth and He'll work things out for our good, whatever the painful process may be.

Four oracles later, Balaam was only speaking what God had told him to say.  Blessings upon blessing upon Israel. 

"Balaam saw that it pleased the LORD to bless Israel...[he] lifted up his eyes and saw Israel camping tribe by tribe.  And the Spirit of God came upon him and he took up his discourse ... the oracle of him who hears the words of the LORD ..." (Numbers 22:1-4).

Balaam could not speak anything more or less than what God allowed him to speak, or even for Balaam's donkey to speak, for that matter.  Of course Balak was furious!    But what could he do?!  He was going against God's people.

May we too, listen to what the Holy Spirit empowers us to hear and to speak only what comes from the Lord especially when we are more inclined to think and to speak unwholesome words instead to those who hold us in contempt and view us with scepticism.

Let's let the Lord steady us, and give us the words and attitudes of wisdom with which to give answer to kings and plebians alike.  He's got our backs.  Let's speak words of blessing.

                                                     ~ ERC  June 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 22-24 NIV.

Sing, The Lord is By My Side, along with City Alight.

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