Monday, September 9, 2024

The Waters of Meribah (Numbers 20:1-13)


I was reminded recently of those lines from the poem, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (written 1797-98).

"Water, water everywhere,

Nor any drop to drink..."

Frustraing cirucmstances, that must have been.

For the Israelites in the desert, it was sand and rock everywhere and not a drop of water to drink.  They were parched, to say the least, and made yet another hoo-ha to Moses and Aaron.

It was indeed a predicatment so once again Moses and Aaron went face down in front of the Tent of Meeting imploring the LORD about it.

Nowadays there are a few ways to get drinking water in such situations.  Scientists use a process called desalination to make seawater fit to drink; no doubt you've heard of Reverse Osmosis?  In some African countries the children have had to fetch water, even from 10kms away on a daily basis, from water sources "nearby".  The WaterAid people (& other such organizations) have improved this by using equipment to bring underground water up to the surface so villages have a more ready and reliable source of drinking water.  The children water-fetchers can now go to school and get an education.

When I was much younger we had a well in our backyard.  In summer one had to ration water as it could and would dry up.  In winter, during much colder weather, a light had to be hung down there to keep the water from freezing into ice.

So we can get the picture of how precious fresh, drinking water is.  It is a definite necessity of life.  We can undersatnd the desparation of parents when there is no water.

However, did the people have to be in opposition to Moses and Aaron and say such scathing words?  Did they not recall how God had helped them countless times already, and even in getting water once before?

Oh, Moses was furious!  He did inquire of the LORD and the LORD was gracious.  Even though Moses, in his deep anger against the people, struck the rock twice instead of just speaking to the rock, the LORD allowed the water to flow.  Moses used some choice words,

"Listen, you rebels ..." (vs 10).

And then he struck the rock.

The LORD called him and Aaron out over this though.  It wasn't only the people who didn't trust the LORD for water.  Moses and Aaron didn't trust Him for the method of obtaining the water from a rock this time round.  The LORD told them they hadn't honored Him.  They hadn't shown God to be holy in the sight of the Israelites.  Consequences were that neither of them would be allowed into the Promised Land of Canaan.

What a blow!

When there is quarreling among the people of God in our churches, let us go to the LORD for water.  Inquire of Him how to get it.  Follow the instructions.  Don't make your leaders furious.  more importantly, honor the Lord.

When we look at Ephesians 5:26 &27 (ESV), we see these instructions,

"...that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that He might present the church to Himself in splendor ... holy ..."

Quarrelling does not exude splendor nor holiness.

Note what the church is cleansed with ...

"the water of the word".

Let His Word waters cleanse us of rebelliousness, quarrelling, our own interests and instead drink from the waters of the Word - the Living Water - from Jesus, the Water of life.  You will never thirst again, like Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well (see John 4:4-15).

Instead of the Waters of Meribah, drink from the Living Water source, Jesus Christ and His Word.  Let Him satisfy our souls and spirits and go forth refreshed.  Alternative consequences could be severe even though our God is gracious.  Let's show Him to be holy.

                                                      ~ERC  June 2024~

Based on Numbers 20:1-13 (ESV).

Sing, Living Waters, along with Keith and Kristyn Getty.

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