Monday, September 9, 2024

Holy Salt (Numbers 18 esp vs 19)


I keep looking at this salt verse,

"All the holy contributions that the people of Israel present to the LORD I give to you, and to your sons and daughters with you, as a perpetual due.  It is a covenant of salt forever before the LORD for you and your offspring with you" (Numbers 18:19 ESV).

Back then in Moses' time salt was a valuable commodity, even the "money" of the day.  God found a down-to-earth example to compare His covenant with the Israelites to in terms they could grasp.

I like how God chooses terminology because He really wants us to know His heart, will and ways - and to know the depth of His meaning.

From the LORD's perspective, He put top value on this convenant.  It was precious to Him.  All their contributions had great worth to Him.  He valued them forever, not just in their generation but in those that were to come.  He would not forget about them.

My feeling is that He values our contribution too, no matter how small or big.  The Israelite contributions in this chapter and context were to be given to those who served in the temple and related work.  God considered these offerings as holy.  He put Aaron in charge of them.

Let's value our relationship with the Lord and show it with our 'salt'.  Ask ourselves, what we value most, give Him your tithe and offering from that.  He'll then consecrate it and you as you flavor and season others' lives through your precious, personal giving.

Lord Jesus, thank You that we can give of our best and most valuable to you.  Give us hearts that surrender our valuables to You, whether in a bigger or smaller way.  Make us to have more salt in our lives in order to give you more for the furtherance of Your kingdom and blessing Your people who go about the spiritual work as did Aaron and sons, along with the whole tribe of Levites.  Amen.

                                                      ~ERC  May 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 18 ESV.

Sing, Give of Your Best, along with Lordina the Soprano.

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