Forty-three thousand, seven hundred and thirty plus twenty-two thousand, two hundred plus forty thousand five hundred, plus, plus, were all counted from among the tribes and clans of Israel of those who had come out of Egypt with Moses and Aaron but who had been younger than 20 years of age. Those older were mostly the grumblers and complainers who had died or were to die in the wilderness, except for, of course, Caleb and Joshua (see Numbers 26:64-65 NIV).
Yet another list of sons' names from each tribe here in Numbers 26. Now and then a short blurb of comments regarding one or more of those named, whether for good or bad, or of interest for some reason.
For instance, Dathan and Abiram were remembered for contending against the LORD and who had been swallowed up by the earth (see Numbers 26:9-11 NIV). Then there's a mini-geneology about Moses, Aaron and Miriam's parents. That was interesting. Then the not so good again, about Nadab and Abihu (Aaron's sons) who died due to offering the LORD unauthorized fire.
How would you like to be remembered in a census? When the government of your country comes round to count its citizens, what would you wish to be remembered for? Something good and/or famous or something infamous? Then have it recorded for all posterity for people to read even thousands of years later!? Does that make you squirm?
I'm not sure why the daughter of Asher, who was named Serah got particular mention. I see from an online article Serah, daughter of Asher that ...
"... her character is linked with those of the people's leaders, and she expedites the realization of the Divine plan. This is her role when she convinces Jacob that Joseph still lives ..."*
Serah gets honorable mention in Genesis 46:17 in another name list of Jacob's family members who left Canaan for Egypt during the great years of famine, at Joseph's request. You can click on the link below for the article about Serah. It's interesting but some of it could be speculative.
Whichever, even among a great plethora of men, God does not forget women. Whether you are a brother or sister-in-Christ, let's be noble and honorable people of God and noteworthy in His eyes. Let's be on His Hall of Fame List not the one of Infamous Misdemeanors.
~ ERC June 2024 ~
Based on Numbers 26 and
Sing, When the Roll is Called Up Yonder, along with Gaither Music.
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