Friday, September 27, 2024

Present and Future Focus

 Have you ever shared some deep issues or thoughts with someone only to have them trivialize them and/or bombard you with a few oral pages of advice?  You found they'd not really been listening to the inner you.  And they patted you on the back and told you it's really not that bad.  Then they went on their way self-righteously feeling they had done what they could to help and you should be gratefully A-Okay now.

Many of us may hestitate to do much sharing and looking in the proverbial haystack for that needle in form of that empathetic and compassionate friend's listening ear because of encountering the 'faulty counselor'.  This sounds like a legitimate reason to withdraw from everyone.

Don't go there.  I believe there are sincere, genuine friends who could and do help us in times of need.  Someone to just sit quietly beside us, like Winnie-the-Pooh and Piglet when Winnie was down, Piglet just sat there, keeping him company.  They didn't even need to talk.  But if we do seek counsel from such a friend, ask the Lord for wisdom and to direct you to that compassionate ear and heart.  

If the shoe is on the other foot, and that someone is you, think of what Jesus did for that woman caught in adultery whom solicitous, self-righteous people brought before Him.  Harold J. Sala, in his book Counseling Friends in Need, shared that Jesus didn't bring up a litany of the woman's past deeds nor ramble on with advice.  No, He focused instead on the present and in essence He was indirectly speaking to those accusers.  He asked, 

"Where are your accusers?"

They'd all dispersed because they knew they were not righteous.  Jesus also addressed the womann's future, He told her, 

"Go and sin no more" (see John 8:1-11).  

So the focus was on the present and future when He was confronted with sin.

We have tendancies to give all kinds of our own life examples and even throw Bible verses at a hurting person.  I am learning it's better to take a step back, pray and ask the Lord what, if anything, should be said.  A good guide is what Jesus did in the above example - think present and future.  Also there's a saying, 

"Less is more," 

so an economy of words could be the best layman councel for counseling.

Need I say more?

                                                   ~ ERC June 2024 ~

Based on Chapter 2 - Getting Started - From the book Counseling Friends in Need by Harold J. Sala.

Sing, 10,000 Reasons, along with Matt Redman.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

His Hall of Fame List (Numbers 26)


Forty-three thousand, seven hundred and thirty plus twenty-two thousand, two hundred plus forty thousand five hundred, plus, plus, were all counted from among the tribes and clans of Israel of those who had come out of Egypt with Moses and Aaron but who had been younger than 20 years of age.  Those older were mostly the grumblers and complainers who had died or were to die in the wilderness, except for, of course, Caleb and Joshua (see Numbers 26:64-65 NIV).  

Yet another list of sons' names from each tribe here in Numbers 26.  Now and then a short blurb of comments regarding one or more of those named, whether for good or bad, or of interest for some reason.

For instance, Dathan and Abiram were remembered for contending against the LORD and who had been swallowed up by the earth (see Numbers 26:9-11 NIV).  Then there's a mini-geneology about Moses, Aaron and Miriam's parents.  That was interesting.  Then the not so good again, about Nadab and Abihu (Aaron's sons) who died due to offering the LORD unauthorized fire.

How would you like to be remembered in a census?  When the government of your country comes round to count its citizens, what would you wish to be remembered for?  Something good and/or famous or something infamous?  Then have it recorded for all posterity for people to read even thousands of years later!?  Does that make you squirm?

I'm not sure why the daughter of Asher, who was named Serah got particular mention.  I see from an online article Serah, daughter of Asher that ...

"... her character is linked with those of the people's leaders, and she expedites the realization of the Divine plan.  This is her role when she convinces Jacob that Joseph still lives ..."*

Serah gets honorable mention in Genesis 46:17 in another name list of Jacob's family members who left Canaan for Egypt during the great years of famine, at Joseph's request.  You can click on the link below for the article about Serah.  It's interesting but some of it could be speculative.

Whichever, even among a great plethora of men, God does not forget women.  Whether you are a brother or sister-in-Christ, let's be noble and honorable people of God and noteworthy in His eyes.  Let's be on His Hall of Fame List not the one of Infamous Misdemeanors.

                                                  ~ ERC  June 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 26 and

*Jewish Women's Archive.

Sing, When the Roll is Called Up Yonder, along with Gaither Music.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Less Boom


If Christians loved, supported and helped one another more, according to the Bible's commands, psychology could well NOT be such a booming business as it is today.  People would be more in community and not feel so isoltated and/or alienated from one another, and therefore, less prone to self-doubt, depression, and feeling unloved.

Some people may say, each person needs to look after themselves and only seek the Lord.  Other people should mind their own buisness, OR, people get too nosy and just want to know your problems to spread gossip.   There's nothing caring about all that!  This then is when they go to a psychologist who doesn't really know them very holistically.

Don't get me wrong, there can be times and places for such helps.  I'm just saying according to what I learned from Harold J. Sala in his book Counseling Friends in Need, there would likely be less boom in this industry if friends and family were to gather round and be those non-judgmental  listening ears and compassionate hearts.

However, it would need to be a two-way street.  Folks may well be willing to sit, listen, show love and care, encourage, pray, exhort and admonish but the one in trouble needs to be willing to accept such care and follow through.  Let's seriously contemplate this from both directions and be more willing to help and to accept help.  Practically speaking, it wold cost a lot less but that's besides the point.

Let's aim for God's psychiatry, His Word, His people, your friends in need and His loving one another, through you.

Gather round...

                                                   ~ ERC  June 2024 ~

Based on Chapter 1 - You Can Help People From :  Counseling Friends in Need by Harold J. Sala Q3 & 4.

Sing, Help Us to Help Each Other, along with Acapella Hymns.

Book Review - Michal's Destiny - By Roberta Kagan - Pulication Date: 24 September 2024

Early WWII and the years leading up to all the horrors and nightmares the Jewish people faced and endured from the pograms of Russian Siberia to Hitlers's Germany are abley described in this heartrending story of Michal, Avram, Taavi and others.  Author Roberta Kagan has certainly crafted her narrative after her usual professional style, attuned to the emotions of her endearing characters and the unfettered ruthlessness of those who hated Jews.  It was a captivating read which brought those years to life for me, not that that is what one would want to retrace.  Therefore, some readers may find some of the trauma chronicled difficult to handle.

                                                ~ Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger ~
                                                               September 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent to me by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.  

Message of Reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18-19)


"All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to Himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, entrusting to us the message of reconciliation" (2 Corinthians 5:18-19 NIV).

When you think of the 'one anothers' of Scripture, such as:  love one another, pray for one another, bear one anothers' burdens, encourage one another and exhort and admonish one another, we can think of the ministry of reconciliation.

Helping our friends and brothers and sisters-in-Christ to be reconciled with each other is good counseling practice.  Helping people be reconciled from our differences and difficulties in life is a peacemaker's challenge.  As we reach out  with the one anothers we can be moderators of healing and hope.

Even when there are winners and losers - so called - in a strife, there is the difficult task of swallowing ones' pride in order to make reconcilaiton but such action will have its rewards.

I was recently in Quebec City, Canada on a walking tour.  The guide showed us and obelisk commemorating the reconcilaition between the two opposing Generals, Wolfe and Montcalm, at the end of the thirty minute Battle of the Plains of Abraham (aka the Battle of Quebec) between the French and the British.   The French were defeated and had to retreat to Beauport.  Both generals were mortally wounded.  

The Wolfe-Montcalm Monument was eventually placed in the Governor's Garden near the Chateau Frontenac, Quebec.  It boasts of being the oldest monument in Quebec City and second oldest war monument in Canada (1827), so told me.

It is of great interest to me that the words inscribed upon the obelisk were/are written not in French, nor in English but in Latin, a neutral language.  Afterall, this was to signify reconciliation between the two entities.  According to the wikipedia article, this inscription translates to:

  "Their courage gave them a common death, history a common fame, posterity a common memorial".

Too bad the reconciliation came post-trauma but at least it came.  Perhaps we, in our day and age, could attempt to pre-empt the fatal battles to begin with.

If you choose to call this type of reconciliation ministry pschology or counseling, some folks in need may not be receptive to accepting our ministrations but brothers and sisters-in Christ, don't get hung up on terminology, cutting off your nose to spite your face.  Allow yourself to be ministered to and be willing to pass it on.  There are friends who sincerely care.  Just pray those friends will be gentle, diplomatic and full of empathy as you confidentially pour out your stories to their listening ears.

Jesus did this, so we can too.  

Let's bring the message of hope, healing and reconcilation to all our friends in need.

                                                       ~ ERC  June 2024 ~

Based on Chapter 1 - You Can Help People from the book Counseling Freinds in Need by Harold J. Sala Questions 1 & 2.

Sing,  Come to Jesus, along with People of the Earth.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Where's Your Allegiance? (Numbers 25 NIV)


If Satan can't get to you one way, he'll use another.  Balak's wanting Balaam to curse the Israelites didn't work.  Instead, religion and sexual immorality got them.

The Baal of Peor, a fertility god got worshipped.  Men of Israel seduced by Moabite women fell into this grievious sin that earned them God's wrath.

It was a sad day and many died of a plague.  An example was also made of a couple caught "in the act" of fornication.  Human nature can be so decadant it feels depressing to me.

Yet the good news is, that some, and to name one, Phinehas son of Eleazar, remained zealous and jealous with God's jealousy for following God's ways.  God gave him a perpetual priesthood.

May our allegiance, worship and praise be only to our God through Jesus Christ.  May we listen to Holy Spirit's convictings and nudgings to do what is right in His eyes.  May we resist the devil so he flees from us.  Let's set our minds and hearts on Christ.

                                                       ~ ERC  June 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 25 NIV.

Sing, Cleanse Me, along with Nashville Skyline Digital.

Book Review - The Seaside Girls Under Fire - By Tracy Baines - Publication Date: 22 September 2024


Yet another WWII story time frame set in Britain but of those who held the fort on the home front.  In this case of the girls who entertained the lads that had to go off to the battle front.  Girls such as Jesse, Frances, Ruby, Ginny and their supportive loved ones who took their work seriously as a way to do their part for the war effort.  Their shows often went on despite air raid warnings, entertainers and crew alike, holding fast.  Other pitfalls though of the trade as Jessie experienced - never really knowing who was a true friend.  

I did find the narrative somewhat slow starting off as there were so many characters to keep track of - it felt scattered.  However, it eventually straightened out taking the reader from one stage, so to speak, to another, for Frances and Ruby, then to Ginny's plight and then back to Jesse's stage, which then circled round again.

The author did manage to create the emotions, I believe, of elation for the girls' successes, for the heartbreaking devastations, and the courage to endure the ongoing Blitz's effects.  I feel these are good glimpses of what it was to have lived through those years, for those of us who have not been through it all directly.

                                             ~ Eunice C.   Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                            September 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by Net Galley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads. 

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - Powerful Blood

 If you ever get a chance to visit Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, do so.  The roar and thunder of the water gushing and rushing over the falls, seeing it flow and flow, feeling the great mists and sprays baptize you by sprinkling - so to speak - gives one a picture and feel for what God's awsome almighty power must be like.

This morning I was also thinking of the song, What Can Wash Away My Sins?  Nothing but the blood of Jesus and oh precious is the flow...being the answer.

God's almighty love and provision of the blood of Jesus Christ that washes away our sins is awesomely amazing and more mighty than Niagara Falls.  Whatever sin a person has committed, the almighty blood of Jesus can wash it away, leaving no stain of sin.

This Lord's Day, brothers and sisters-in-Christ, meditate upon this great act of love for you ...


Then praise and thank Him for it all through Jesus, as you partake of the broken bread and drink of the cup of wine.

May there be great crescendo of thanksgiving equal to the powerful thundering of Niagara Falls, flowing from our hearts up to our Heavenly Father; an offering of praise from our lips.  To Him alone be all glory.

                                                       ~ ERC  June 2024 ~

Based on 1 John 17-9.

Sing, Nothing But the Blood of Jesus along with Reawaken Hymns and There's Power in the Blood, along with Amy Grant.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Words of Blessings (Numbers 22, 23 and 24)


Have you ever felt looked down upon, or have someone curse you?  How does that feel!?  The king of Moab, no other than Balak son of Zippor, felt threatened by the people of Israel who were marching a bit too closely to his territory.  After all, Israel had just decimated the neighboring Amorites, so he did have cause for his dread.

But Balak was proactive and schemed to have Balaam come and curse the Israelites, God's chosen people (see Numbers 22:7).  Apparently, Balaam could be bought even though he was somewhat of a man of God!  At least he did consult the LORD about the job.

Eventually God did tell Balaam to go but he could only bless the Israelites.  Then we get the interesing story of Balaam's donkey that spoke and the LORD's stern warning for Balaam to only speak the words that HE tells him to speak (see 22:35).

God was protecting His unsuspecting people.  I like to believe He looks out for us too even if false accusations do actually get laid upon us or when people are skeptical of what we speak and drip and ooze in no uncertain attitudes thereto.  We can still hold our head high knowing that God knows the truth and He'll work things out for our good, whatever the painful process may be.

Four oracles later, Balaam was only speaking what God had told him to say.  Blessings upon blessing upon Israel. 

"Balaam saw that it pleased the LORD to bless Israel...[he] lifted up his eyes and saw Israel camping tribe by tribe.  And the Spirit of God came upon him and he took up his discourse ... the oracle of him who hears the words of the LORD ..." (Numbers 22:1-4).

Balaam could not speak anything more or less than what God allowed him to speak, or even for Balaam's donkey to speak, for that matter.  Of course Balak was furious!    But what could he do?!  He was going against God's people.

May we too, listen to what the Holy Spirit empowers us to hear and to speak only what comes from the Lord especially when we are more inclined to think and to speak unwholesome words instead to those who hold us in contempt and view us with scepticism.

Let's let the Lord steady us, and give us the words and attitudes of wisdom with which to give answer to kings and plebians alike.  He's got our backs.  Let's speak words of blessing.

                                                     ~ ERC  June 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 22-24 NIV.

Sing, The Lord is By My Side, along with City Alight.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Secret Stairway of the Sky

A sister-in-Christ challenged a couple of us to read the book of Song of Songs.  She did so, laughing, because well, some of it is enough to make one blush.  Yet, she enthused, there's so many wonderful nuggets of sentiment to learn from.  "Oh, and by-the-way, read from The Passion Translation (TPT).  It really makes more sense to me," she further encouraged. 

This is how Song of Songs 2:14 TPT reads,

"For you are my dove, hidden in the split-open rock.  It was I who took you and hid you up high in the secret stairway of the sky.  Let me see your radiant face and hear your sweet voice.  How beautiful your eyes of worship and lovely your voice of prayer."

This was spoken by the Shepherd-King to His 'dove' or bride.  He seems to speak of shelter, protection, care, and intimacy in the relationship and her response to Him.  Their relationship caused her face to be radiant - have a certain glow we may say, and her voice to be sweet; the way she looked at Him, with worship in her eyes, and He remarked her voice was lovely especially in prayer so that her requests were not a burden but a delight.  Sweet Communion.

Many husbands turn off at the sound of their wives' voices.  Perhaps they have been incessant and/or grating.  Here, however was a lovely voice, and one of prayer.  After many years of marriage do you still have a glow when you see each other and gaze into each others' eyes in worship?  

I'm not speaking of idolatry here, but of that companionship, care and confidence in each other.

It really hurts when there is not such sublimeness.  The cause, "the troubling, sly foxes" (vs 15) that kill all that.  Perhaps the scenario is so tense the husband and wife barely speak with each other.  Ferret out the foxes even one iota at a time.  Pray for a breakthrough for better communication, forgiveness and reconciliation .

Take this now to our individual respective relationship with the Lord.  What is our devotional life like?  May we each find "the secret stairway of the sky" to sit and spend time with Jesus.  Read His word, invite Him to come sit a while  with you.  Worship Him and lift your lovely voice in prayer and praise.  Practice praise, not only petitions and requests.  He finds your voice lovely.

Lord Jesus, You are mine.  Actually, I am Yours and each new day with You is such a blessing.  You are beautiful beyond comprehension, as one song sings.  Spending time with You is so peaceful.  How my heart sings!  I want to come again and be with You again.  Arise Jesus, let me come, come away with You.  Amen.

                                                   ~ERC  June 2024 ~

Based on Song of Song 2:14, 15 TPT.

Sing, Arise My Soul, Behold Tis Jesus, along with Alan Parks.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Lumbering Behemoth

 Gathering more and more speed the lumbering behemoth surprizingly collected enough lift, or whatever the non-layman term is, to get itself up off the ground and into the air under the pilot's skilled maneuverings.

If a passenger were fortunate enough, she could gawk out the window to see the sprawling metropolis below and the jungle of foliage all morphing into miniatures.  But oops, cloud cover with not much to discover was the scenario that day.  It is rather a euphoric experience that doesn't grow old or mundane.  It is just, sit back and enjoy the moments in the fast lane, so to speak.

Fast lane and high 'lane' traveling at who knows what speeds and likely anywhere from 35-37 or more thousand feet of altitude.  But did you know there's an even faster and higher potential experience to experience?

Ever hear of The Rapture?  One day soon, and very soon, Jesus is going to call all those of us who have accepted Him as Lord and Savior to go up to be with Him.  Scripture tells us we will fly at the speed of a blink of an eye.  Watch someone blink, you'll get the picture (see 1 Corinthians 15:51-52). 

And the heights to which we shall soar to be with Jesus is known only to Him.  The Apostle Paul once said he'd been caught up to the third heaven so that must be higher even than where lumbering winged behemoths can fly (see 2 Corinthians 12:2).

It's exciting to think about.  Once up there we don't have to worry about coming back down for a landing either.  Even though we, the Church, will come back to Earth to reign with Him, I believe that too will be smooth and successful (see Zechariah 14:1-4, 9 and Revelation 20:5-6).

What do you think?  I'll be having this experience, looking forward to it actually, and hope all my readers will too!

Father God, I surely look forward to flying up to be with You one day soon and very soon.  Come Lord Jesus.  In Jesus' name I ask.  Amen.

                                                      ~ERC  June 2024 ~

Sing, Will You Be There and I.  See the lyrics and Soon and Very Soon, along with Rockwood First Congregational Church.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Book Review - Squanto: A Native Odyssey - By: Andrew Lipman - Publication Date: 17 September 2024


This book by Andrew Lipman sums up Squanto's legacy comprehensively, I'd say. From Squanto's years of infancy to manhood, to his capture and the interim years until his return to his native turf and the ensuing years. I found it of good interest and that it should be to anyone curious about his name and history and that of his fellow Wampanoag peoples. Their interactions with the French and English colonists, their agendas and even that of those Mi' kmaw from Nova Scotia, who wished to expand their maritime territory.

Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger
July 2024

Disclaimer: This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by Netflix Galley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Sing About Water (Numbers 21:17 & 18 NIV)

 It's a day to celebrate when water springs up from a well, especially after the backbreaking digging work.  Great satisfaction ensues.

In this case, the princes and nobles had done the work.  Imagine that!  Israel then sang,

"Spring up, O well!

Sing about it,

about the well that the princes dug,

that the nobles of the people sand - ..."

(Numbers 21:17-198 NIV).

When we thirst for the LORD we can go to the well that He dug for us, that is, His Word the Holy Bible.  We can go to Jesus, as He invited, ... 

"Jesus said ...and he who believes in Me shall never thirst ..." (John 6:35-38 NKJV).

And to the Samaritan woman Jesus answered, 

"If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked Him and He would have given you living water" (John 4:10 NIV) ...Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life" (John 4:13 NIV).

This kind of water is indeed worth celebrating!  As you go to Him may our Lord and Savior refresh your thirsty souls and spirits with His living water.

There are times when the princes and nobles, that is God's servants who minister the Word to us, dig wells for us.  Let us be glad and rejoice with them after their constant labor of love for God's people.  They did the 'wells' but we need to go and do the 'drinking', applying the Water of the Word which cleanses, for ourselves when we do, let's sing about it (see Ephesians 5:26).  It gives life.

Jesus, refresh our souls with the washing of the water of Your Word as we come and drink Your living water.  The benefits are eternal and well worth the effort.  Thanks You for Your life-giving water.  Amen.

                                                    ~ ERC  June 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 21:17&18 NIV.

Sing, Water of the Word, along with Shane & Shane.

Book Review - Poison in Piccadilly (Fionna Figg & Kitty Lane) - by Kelly Oliver - Publication Date: 14 September 2024

 Although it took me several days to finish reading this book Poison in Piccadilly, I found it to be a light-hearted, quick read.  As always, Fionna Figg is quite an amusing character along side Kitty Lane, the erstwhile Fredrick Fredricks and the elusive Lieutenant Archie.  Mix ups, poisons (obviously), hatpins and surprizes await the reader of this fun mystery-murder tale.  What's more, I'm wondering if readers of other Fionna Figg and Kitty Lane books can imagine a married Fionna Figg!  Ha, ha, potential readers will just have to indulge themselves to find out...

                                             ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                          September 2024

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by Net Galley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Sit Still and Know

 "Be still, and know that I am God.  I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth" (Psalm 46:10).

Taking time out to be still and to get to know God will cause us to exalt God in the whole earth.   The key being able to 'sit still'.

Are we ready to "sit still" in or out of the storms of life?  We can find that tranquility and calmness by getting to know God but not in busy bustlings, rather in being still.  Sit yourself in a corner if you have to, just take that time out to do so.

As we sit still to listen to the Lord and receive from Him, getting to know His love, attributes and character may we find comfort in Him and then exalt Him and His ministrations to usward even as He teaches us about them as we have sat still.  Talk with Him all you want.

We can talk with Him all we want.  Those with whom we used to speak and consult, we can now train ourselves to turn to and trust the Lord and speak with Him.  Exalt Him then.

Father God, I exalt You and sing praises to You for all You do in my life.  Being able to sit still and listen to You as You reveal Yourself to me in ways unique to me and my situation in life.  You are so wonderful, O LORD!  May your name and exploits indeed be proclaimed and exalted among the nations of the earth.

Thank You for being the God who listens, who cares, who loves, we give tender loving care especially to the broken-hearted and freshly made widow that I'm thinking of right now.  She is being so brave and trusting You, hiding in You her shelter.  You won't disappoint, I know.  In Jesus' name I shout my Hallelujah's and thanksgiving and gratitude.  Amen.

                                                       ~ ERC  June 2024 ~

Based on Psalm 46:10.

Sing, Holy City, along with Pierre Gardy Fontaine.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Shapely Feet and Legs


"How beautiful your sandaled feet, O Prince's daughter!  Your graceful legs are like jewels, the work of a craftsman's hands" (Song of Solomon 7:1)

The king (lover/groom) praises the bride's feet and legs saying they are a work of a craftsman.  In those days, craftsman were highly skilled.  For example, those who crafted the Tabernacle and its furnishings.  They'd had Holy Spirit help (see Exodus 35, esp vs 10, 31-31, 34-35 and 31:1-11).

This verse makes me think of my maternal grandmother.  Her legs, what we could see of them (knee to ankle), were very shapely even in her later years.  I often admired them.  I never mentioned them though as she may have vise gripped pinched my neck.

I wonder how many husbands detail what they love about their wives, speaking directly to them. of course.  No doubt it is the inner beauty of attitudes and character that counts most, but some appreciative words of the appearance could well go a long way for them and their interchanges.

"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver" (Proberbs 25:11).

So long as they are sincere words.

We do need to keep in mind who our Craftsman is though.  Our God is an awesome God.  It is He who made us and it is not wrong to appreciate what He has made.

What are some of the more spiritual applications to these words of Song of Solomon 7:1 though?

I really like what one person wrote (author unknown to me) & likely some readers would agree.  The bride's feet

"the foundation of the gospel of peace (see Ephesians 6:15).  "Our standing" (where the legs come in) "isn't based on our works but on God's grace.  Moses was told to remove his sandals (law), while the prodigal son received sandals (grace).  We stand on the finished work of the Cross, not our own efforts."

Let us go forth with the gospel of peace once we are sure where we stand.  Give glory and honor ot our Craftsman who has crafted our feet and legs, no matter what they look like.  May we allow the Holy Spirit to empower us to do so.  This will lend us shapely feet and legs.

Father God, You are our Craftsman who made us.  Thank You for fashioning us in whatever way we are.  Help us to use our beings to show Christlike behavior and to bring the gospel of peace to all we meet.  In Jesus' name I give you thanks and praise.  Amen.

                                                     ~ERC  June 2024~

Based on Song of Solomon 7:1 and an unknown-to-me author's reflections.

Sing, Saved By Grace Alone, along with bibleguy.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Holy Salt (Numbers 18 esp vs 19)


I keep looking at this salt verse,

"All the holy contributions that the people of Israel present to the LORD I give to you, and to your sons and daughters with you, as a perpetual due.  It is a covenant of salt forever before the LORD for you and your offspring with you" (Numbers 18:19 ESV).

Back then in Moses' time salt was a valuable commodity, even the "money" of the day.  God found a down-to-earth example to compare His covenant with the Israelites to in terms they could grasp.

I like how God chooses terminology because He really wants us to know His heart, will and ways - and to know the depth of His meaning.

From the LORD's perspective, He put top value on this convenant.  It was precious to Him.  All their contributions had great worth to Him.  He valued them forever, not just in their generation but in those that were to come.  He would not forget about them.

My feeling is that He values our contribution too, no matter how small or big.  The Israelite contributions in this chapter and context were to be given to those who served in the temple and related work.  God considered these offerings as holy.  He put Aaron in charge of them.

Let's value our relationship with the Lord and show it with our 'salt'.  Ask ourselves, what we value most, give Him your tithe and offering from that.  He'll then consecrate it and you as you flavor and season others' lives through your precious, personal giving.

Lord Jesus, thank You that we can give of our best and most valuable to you.  Give us hearts that surrender our valuables to You, whether in a bigger or smaller way.  Make us to have more salt in our lives in order to give you more for the furtherance of Your kingdom and blessing Your people who go about the spiritual work as did Aaron and sons, along with the whole tribe of Levites.  Amen.

                                                      ~ERC  May 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 18 ESV.

Sing, Give of Your Best, along with Lordina the Soprano.

The Waters of Meribah (Numbers 20:1-13)


I was reminded recently of those lines from the poem, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (written 1797-98).

"Water, water everywhere,

Nor any drop to drink..."

Frustraing cirucmstances, that must have been.

For the Israelites in the desert, it was sand and rock everywhere and not a drop of water to drink.  They were parched, to say the least, and made yet another hoo-ha to Moses and Aaron.

It was indeed a predicatment so once again Moses and Aaron went face down in front of the Tent of Meeting imploring the LORD about it.

Nowadays there are a few ways to get drinking water in such situations.  Scientists use a process called desalination to make seawater fit to drink; no doubt you've heard of Reverse Osmosis?  In some African countries the children have had to fetch water, even from 10kms away on a daily basis, from water sources "nearby".  The WaterAid people (& other such organizations) have improved this by using equipment to bring underground water up to the surface so villages have a more ready and reliable source of drinking water.  The children water-fetchers can now go to school and get an education.

When I was much younger we had a well in our backyard.  In summer one had to ration water as it could and would dry up.  In winter, during much colder weather, a light had to be hung down there to keep the water from freezing into ice.

So we can get the picture of how precious fresh, drinking water is.  It is a definite necessity of life.  We can undersatnd the desparation of parents when there is no water.

However, did the people have to be in opposition to Moses and Aaron and say such scathing words?  Did they not recall how God had helped them countless times already, and even in getting water once before?

Oh, Moses was furious!  He did inquire of the LORD and the LORD was gracious.  Even though Moses, in his deep anger against the people, struck the rock twice instead of just speaking to the rock, the LORD allowed the water to flow.  Moses used some choice words,

"Listen, you rebels ..." (vs 10).

And then he struck the rock.

The LORD called him and Aaron out over this though.  It wasn't only the people who didn't trust the LORD for water.  Moses and Aaron didn't trust Him for the method of obtaining the water from a rock this time round.  The LORD told them they hadn't honored Him.  They hadn't shown God to be holy in the sight of the Israelites.  Consequences were that neither of them would be allowed into the Promised Land of Canaan.

What a blow!

When there is quarreling among the people of God in our churches, let us go to the LORD for water.  Inquire of Him how to get it.  Follow the instructions.  Don't make your leaders furious.  more importantly, honor the Lord.

When we look at Ephesians 5:26 &27 (ESV), we see these instructions,

"...that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that He might present the church to Himself in splendor ... holy ..."

Quarrelling does not exude splendor nor holiness.

Note what the church is cleansed with ...

"the water of the word".

Let His Word waters cleanse us of rebelliousness, quarrelling, our own interests and instead drink from the waters of the Word - the Living Water - from Jesus, the Water of life.  You will never thirst again, like Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well (see John 4:4-15).

Instead of the Waters of Meribah, drink from the Living Water source, Jesus Christ and His Word.  Let Him satisfy our souls and spirits and go forth refreshed.  Alternative consequences could be severe even though our God is gracious.  Let's show Him to be holy.

                                                      ~ERC  June 2024~

Based on Numbers 20:1-13 (ESV).

Sing, Living Waters, along with Keith and Kristyn Getty.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - Keeping Clean (Numbers 19)


We may think that God's Old Testament rules and regulations are a bit overboard.  However, when you stop to think about it a bit more, they're not that excessive.

The children of Israel were living in a desert.  Ponder that a moment ... deserts are usually pretty hot, at least in the daytime.  What do you think said heat would do to a dead body?  Decay would happen relatively quickly and disease could come upon its heels.  So all the precautions and prescriptions regarding dealing with a dead body and becoming unclean and the ablutions for becoming 'clean' after being unclean until evening, are not so farfetched, are they?

Going through COVID-19 taught us how quickly disease can spread.  It taught us how to wash, sanitize and hopefully keep 'clean' and avoid catching it ourselves.

God's laws were for the peoples' good and benefit.  I believe He had another lesson for us to learn too.  He is holy.  He wants us to be holy too.  Sin defiles.  The blood of Jesus cleanses.  The Word of God is the cleansing water of our minds and hearts when we follow the rules (so to speak).

Let's offer submissive hearts to the Lord and obey His leading.

Father God, this Lord's Day as we Jesus followers come together to remember Him in His death and resurrection and for all He has done for us through the breaking of bread and drinking of the cup of wine, may we remember that it is only through Him that we have been cleansed and made holy in Your sight.  It is only through Him and the His Holy Spirit indwelling us that we can also live holy lives.  For this we give you our thanks and praise in Jesus' name.  Amen.

                                                        ~ERC  June 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 19 NIV.

Sing, Cleanse Me (Search me, O God), along with Bryan Gilliland.  Sing it prayerfully.

Friday, September 6, 2024

God's Payment System (Numbers 18)

God created a certain system, shall we call it, in order for the priests and Levites, who were without inheritance, to be paid for their work of the Tabernacle.  The system was for all the other tribal groups of Israel to pay their tithes in timely fashion.  From these tithes, certain amounts were to go to the LORD but the rest to those who served Him.  This was to be their wages for their work at the Tent of Meeting.

God's system was a great plan yet it very much depended on the willingness and co-operation of the whole assembly of Israel to keep it operational.  No wonder some of the Levites got anxious (see Numbers 16-17).

When we bring this to our day and age and remember all those who serve the Lord in full time service, think of God's system of payment in those ancient times.  I believe it's no different for us today.  Those in full time ministry also need to eat, have clothing and shelter on a regular basis.  What can you do for them?  Are you willing to be part of God's system of payment?

Think of those you know who could well benefit from your tithes and offerings, not as a one off gift but a continual blessing upon them.  Go, do somehitng about it.  If you don't know of anyone, ask the Lord to lead and guide you to someone.  Wait and see what He reveals.  Let us not live in vain.

                                                      ~ERC  June 2024~

Based on Numbers 18 NIV.

Sing, Give of Your Best to the Master, along with The NCrew.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Chief of Staffs (Numbers 17)

"A picture is worth a thousand words," so the old adage goes.  It was certainly true back in the days of Moses and Aaron.

I rather love how God made His picture for them in order to cause the people of Israel to cease their grumblings about who made Aaron boss of the priestly line.

The result was so astounding!  God never works in half measures.  He goes beyond what we can ask or ever imagine.  He did this for the man He chose to be the high priest of Israel and then to continue his line (see Ephesians 3:20-21 NIV).

The experiment, well, to God it was not an experiment but to the onlookers who must have been eagerly looking over each others' shoulders in anticipation to see conclusive evidence and data it was.  And what did they see?

Aaron's staff had been presented before the LORD at the Tent of Meeting along with those belonging to the chief of each tribe of Israel.

"On the next day Moses went into the tent of the testimony, and behold, the staff of Aaron for the house of Levi had sprouted and put forth buds and produced blossoms, and it bore ripe almonds" (Numbers 17:8).

Don't you just love that!

Aaron's staff didn't just sprout, it produced buds, blossoms AND ripe almonds!  Do you see that God doesn't operate in half measures!?  The very definite conclusive proof that God had chosen Aaron was obvious to one and all.  It was indisputable!

No doubt when we see a believer in a position of leadership who appears to not be doing what's right in God's eyes, we may need to confront but lovingly, carefully, entreating as if they are a father (or mother) and with the tesitmony of two or three witnesses (see 1 Timothy 1:5 and Matthew 18:16).  May the motivation for so doing not be one of jealousy and desire to usurp and replace with ourself as did the tribal chiefs of Israel in Moses' day.

Beware when we want to dispute God's choice and leadership roles.  He'll show us His uncontestable will.  The staff became a kept sign against those who rebelled (see verse 10).

I believe we each have our role in the running of a church or assembly of believers.  Each needs to use their respective gifts, without coveting someone elses, in order to build each other up to maturity in Christ (see Ephesians 4:11-13).

May we speak truth in love* when the need arises.  The ultimate Chief of Staffs is Christ Himself (see Ephesians 4:15-16).  

Can you get the picture?

                                                      ~ERC  May 2024~

Based on Numbers 17 (ESV).

Sing, Speak the Truth in Love, along with Christian Worship Song

* From biblical How to Speak Truth in Love article ... "Speaking the truth in love is speaking that which is doctrinally correct and that which proceeds from a biblically committed life to a person who is in need of correction."

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Spirit of Self-Control

 "For God gave us a spirit not of fear BUT of power and love and self-control" (2 Timothy 1:7 ESV).

The spirit within us is power, love and self-control and is a gift God gave us upon the moment of salvation.

What do we generally do with gifts given to us?  We use them.  Oh right, some times we return them for refunds to buy what we'd preferred to have been given.  Or we put the gift aside or maybe even pass it on to someone else.

In this instance, however, we're talking about a gift God gave us.  Ask yourself, "What will I do with this spirit God gave me?"

I believe this spirit refers to the Holy Spirit we received the moment we accepted Christ.  Are we using this gift?

That is the question that pricked my conscience this morning upon reading the verse in the ESV.  "Hmm, I thought, I don't recall that term, 'self-control'."  Having been brought up with the KJV, I thought, that should read, "sound mind".  If I think 'sound mind,' I won't have to be convicted about the 'self-control' part.  Looking for further loopholes, I checked out the NIV; oops, that says, "self-discipline".  No sympathy there as it sounds too much like "self-control'.  Sigh...

Futher pondering and convicting thoughts and questions were,  "So, are we using this Spirit gift?  And, in what areas are we being convicted?  Yes, in what areas do I need to apply self-control?"

In my own strength, how's it going in those areas?  Not so great maybe, or with a modicum of success.  Let the gift of the Holy Spirit stride forth and aid us, better still, to take over.  This Spirit has the power to allow us the self-control when our own spirit surrenders to Him.  His power and love can flood us then and bring about self-control needed.

No doubt this is a bit out of context to what Paul was instructing Timothy but I believe the general principle applies.  Timothy seems to have been timid or fearful about using the gift of God given to him for the greater good of the assembly and among the believers with whom he ministered.

Does this sound simplistic?  I'm not mnimizing struggles we each have whether it's from the amount of potato chips we splurge on and eat, alcohol consumed, illicit sexual desires put into action or exorbitant internet usage, we can surrender our own will and control and hand the reigns to the Holy Spirit's control.  I invite myself and you to do so and may the power, love and self-control of the Holy Spirit grip us all.

Father God, thank You for the Holy Spirit's power, love and self-control that indwells each of your children.  Help us to accept Him and be enlivened thereby to aid us in line of self-control and discipline as well as to keeping a sound mind.  I invite Him to do so, in Jesus' name.  Amen.

                                                        ~ ERC  May 2024 ~

Based on 2 Timothy 1:7  ESV.

Sing, In Christ Alone, along with Keith & Kristyn Getty.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

David and Goliath (1 Samuel 16-18)


Most of us have been capitivated by the David and Goliath story since we were teeny-boppers in Sunday School.  I, at least, never tired of this story.

It's a story of David and his BIG problems.  Do you have BIG  problems too?  God can help you with them like He did for David.

Obviously, David's BIG problem was Goliath.  When you look at him compared to Goliath you can understand why David's brothers and the Israelite warriors were terrified of Goliath.

David was just a shepherd boy.  Granted he'd had experience against BIG problems before, like a lion and a bear, both of which he had dealt with effectively.  David believed in and trusted God and when he came up against the towering Goliath giant, he depended upon God's strength and help.  David was goaded on by his anger at Goliath's defying God and God's people.

Goliath stood at 9 feet tall (274.32cms).  He was BIG and strong; a well-seasoned warrior, likely with well developed 6-pack abbs.  He trusted in his own strength.  He was fueled by his arrogance, pride and his contempt for David,  the Israelites and for the God of Israel.

Speaking of looks, when God sent Samuel to anoint one of Jesse's many sons, God admonished Samuel not to look at the outward appearance.  He told him, 

"God looks at the heart".  

So Samuel ended up secretly anointing David to be the next king.

God had rejected King Saul as king over all Israel.  His line began and ended with himself.  His heart was not right with God.  David's was though and that's what God saw.

How about your heart?  What does it look like?  Does it have hate, jealousy, unforgiveness and/or anger in it?  How about faith in God?  Is it there even if as small as a mustard seed?  What about love and kindness?  Any goodness?  When we have God's love in our hearts we are better people because we try to please and honor God by obeying Him - doing what is right in God's eyes.

King Saul had ugliness in his heart.  God rejected him from being king of Israel.  An evil spirit then distrubed him.  This was his BIG problem but he never repented.  Instead he used false measures to calm himself.  David was brought in to play his harp or lyre in order for the evil spirit to flee away.

One day Jesse sent David on an errand to bring food to his army brothers.  That's when David heard and saw Goliath for the first time.  David heard the BIG problem Goliath laugh at and bully the Israelite army.  He heard Goliath curse them in the name of his god, which I believe was likely Dagon.  That's when David decided to fight against Goliath.

In ordinary human terms and appearances, this would not have been a fair fight.  Goliath had height, heavy armor, a sword, spear, javelin, someone to hold the spare weapons he wasn't engaged with and use of his own massive strength.

David likely had some muscle, after all he cared for sheep and must have had to do some lifting of them.  Also he did manage to do away with a lion and a bear.  However, he had no armor.  His only weapon was a sling shot and five smooth stones.  Oh, but his secret weapon was, he depended upon God's strength!  He told Goliath,

"I come in the name of the LORD."

The LORD was the Israelites' God, He was Almighty God the Omnipotent One.  Goliath should have been shaking in his boots.

"In the name of the LORD" is power and strength.  We have this same power through the Holy Spirit with us even today.  So we have Goliath who defied God and David vs David who trusted God.  God honored David with victory over the BIG problem Goliath the Giant.

We all know the story well.  David used just one small smooth stone, swung his slingshot, let it loose and the stone went flying right smack dab into Goliath's forehead.  Goliath fell down dead.  David had overcome his BIG problem with God and His strength.

Let's bring this more into the spiritual realm.  Can you see how we can equate Goliath with sin, Satan and demons and our own evil desires?  These are God's enemies as the Philistines were against the Israelites.  Satan and his minions are our enemies too; at least those of us who belong to Christ.

David is a picture of Jesus who saves us.  David saved the Israelites from Goliath and the Philistines.

Jesus saves us from our sins and then He'll help us with our BIG problems.  NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING is too BIG for Him.

What are some of the BIG things you want God to help you with?  Ask Him for His help.  See what He'll do for you.

You may think you are just an ordinary person.  David was too.  He was the youngest son and sibling and his family didn't think much of him.  BUT look at how God helped him!

David's help came from God and he tackled his BIG problem in the name of the LORD.  You can too.  Just remember that it was God who helped David and it is God who will help you.  Remember that so you won't be tempted to claim the victory in your own strength.  Remember it is God who helps us.  None of our problems are too BIG for Him.

When we trust in Him, honor and obey Him and are His child through Jesus, we can call out to Him - our Heavenly Father who cares - for help.  He hears us and cares about us and will help us in surprizing ways.

To end with, keep this verse in mind,

"The LORD does not look at the things man looks at.  Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart" (1 Samuel 16:7).

What does your heart look like?  Like Goliath's?  Or, more like David's?

                                                ~ERC  May 2024 ~

Based on 1 Samuel 16-18 and KGR P4d Lesson 5.

Sing,  Good, Good Father, along with Chris Tomlin.