Friday, September 1, 2023

Victorious Overcomers - Thyatira


When Jesus comes back the second time He will come, not as a baby, but as a Judge.  He is the Judge of judges.  We learn that the overcomers of Thyatira are given authority over the nations.  Seems that 'in the end' they will rule with great disciplinary power, punishing those who have rejected Christ.  Perhaps they also get to rule over  those steeped in moral decay from whence they had overcome.  These overcomers had had self-control and persevereance through it all. There had been no double standards for them.  The Judge had

 'searched their hearts and minds" (Rev 3:23) 

and they'd passed the test.

They had been in the place where Satan had had his throne with all sorts of wickedness going on:  idolatry and sexual immorality, for instance.  The Pergamum overcomers had clung on to their faith in the worst of days.  Much of this sounds similar to our day and age.

Brothers and sisters-in-Christ let's be this type of victorious overcomer too.  Movie celebrities are often awarded a star in the world's estimation and 'hall of fame'.  Our Judge of all the earth awards a 'morning star' and He holds us in His hand.

Does that spark your attention?  Jesus held the seven stars in His hand.  Now He gives these overcomers a star and not just any star, but The Morning Star - Jesus.  He gives them Himself - the true "Light-Bringer' (Revelation 22:16).  

Isn't this astonishing?!

Will you be an overcomer?

                                                        ~ERC  July 2023~

Based on Revelation 2 & 3, especially 2:12-17.

Sing, Will You Be An Overcomer?, along with Hymns & Spiritual Songs.

See also...

Victorious Overcomers - Ephesus

 Victorious Overcomers - Smyrna

Victorious Overcomers - Pergamum

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