Monday, September 18, 2023

Empathy Silence


What's wrong with silence?  

Listening to quiet can be peaceful and healing.  Keeping your mouth closed, to slow down and listen to other people.  They probably like your silence, if it's a listeing silence and not a cold-shoulder silence.

Sometimes we want to instruct others though, and we open our mouths to fill the silence instead with "you should do this'" or "do that's" - trying to fix the problems.

I really should start to suck my thumb again.  I used to - when I was a young child.  Then I didn't say anything good or bad.  I just watched the world go by - keeping quiet.

Watching and listening.

It's time to slow down.  Time to be quick to listen.  Time to be slow to speak.

It's so hard.

But if you want to give the gift of empathy. you will keep more silent and just encourage with,

"You must feel so sad ... so frustrated, ... so tired ... so happy ... can you tell me more?"

Let the other person do the talking.

I found the following posted on Facebook by a friend.  It is so appropo to this.

And so we can give people our time, our ears and tears and care.  It feels so good to be listened to, did you know that?  


What are you feeling?  

I hope there is someone there for you who lends you their empathy silence.

I pray so.

                                              ~ERC  September 2023~

Sing, Does Jesus Care, along with Gaither Music.

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