Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Consuming Fire

 We cannot comprehend it until we experience it.  God's almighty power is unfathomable even when we experience some of it.  We only scratch the surface, not plumb the vast depths but we can try.

We can get an inkling by gazing at a starry sky at night or having a glimpse through a telescope or go scuba diving off some exotic Borneo reef.  Even then it's only like the tip of an iceburg or a drop of water in a bucket.

Canada has experienced some of God's almighty power recently.  Not many months ago, Nova Scotia had wild fires causing affected residents to evacuate the burning areas.  Then even more recently, Yellowknife, a territory of Canada, was incincerating and the whole of Yellowknife had had to be evacuated, at least according to some news accounts.  Nearby regions were on high escape alert.  The red glow could be seen for terrifying kilometers and smoke assaulted for thousands downwind.

We prayed for rain and God's mercy for the residents to escape safely and to safety and run to God.  May they all realize, even in this aftermath time, God's almighty, yet loving power.

Psalm 97:3-4 says,

"Fire goes before Him and consumes His foes on every side.  His lightening lights up the world the earth sees and trembles."

I'm not suggesting that the fleeing residents were God's foes.  NO!  But may they and all who are yet without Christ, 

"see and tremble" 

their way to God through Jesus.  May they escape the coming wrath and fires of Hell!

"The mountains melt like wax," (Psalm 57:5)

under these earth fires.  What of the scorching hell fires?!

May all peoples of the earth look up to the heavens and

"proclaim [God's] righeousness" 


"see His glory" (v. 6).

May they know God's almighty power of salvation through Jesus Christ and some day soon go to be with Christ in Heaven and to be forever with Almighty God.  Then they and we will know His power more fully through full unblemished experience.  

"For our God is a consuming fire" (Hebrews 12:29).

Children of God, let God's consuming fire of love for us, ignite us to proclaim His righteousness, salvation and glory.  As a familiar song line sings,

"To God be the glory great things He has done!"

May His presence go with us touching us with His almighty power throughout our daily lives.

                                                ~ERC  August 2023~

Based on Psalm 97:3-6.

Sing, To God Be the Glory, along with Nothern Baptist Association.

Photo credits to a nephew.

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