Friday, September 8, 2023

Book Review - The Wreckage of Light - By Jos Gordon - Publication Date: 10 September 2023

 There are so many strong characters, Knox and Crew being two of them that work and live against great odds.  Lots of action and reaction.  The narrative is filled with multicultural interest - namely the whites vs the Ulayu.  Racism is rife and the ensuing hate and brutality that abounds against each other will make you stop and give you pause.  However, the author explains this setting scenario.

Betrayal clatters in and there is some paranormal activity, which adds mystery.  It's very believable though but could there be any acceptance from either side of the ethnic divide that may even provide a bridge of understanding?!  And what does the 'owl' have to do with it all?  Tantalising romance is laced through this bewitching saga.  Being left hanging on at the end will likely leave the reader panting for the proposed next book in the series, I believe.

There is a precaution with content that some readers may wish to be aware of and that is all the 'stahl'-ing that happens whenever, wherever, seemingly unabated.  You'll have to check out the useful glossary of the Ulayu language provided at book's end.  Ok, you may be able to guess that to 'stahl' is very intimate action.

A 4-Star rating from me.

                                             ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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