Saturday, September 16, 2023

Patient Endurance


No doubt the scenes and visions John recorded in Revelation show us a time to come after Jesus' followers have been caught up to be with Christ forever (i.e. the Rapture).  Therefore, what John describes is of another type of martyr of a different dispensation.  However, those who had remained faithful to Jesus, died in the Lord and God took note and called them "blessed".

What I want to emphasise here are the 'labels'.  We don't like to give labels to people for fear of stigmatizing them, yet these labels mentioned here are trophies of their faith in the Lord.  Here's some:

"patient endurance," coupled with "faithfulness", these two characterized "the saints" (Revelation 13:10).

Despite the persecution that enveloped them, they had remained faithful and true to Jesus.  Their 

"deeds followed them" (Revelation 14:13).
  Isn't this a wonder!

These descriptive words are key to us today.  Believers in Jesus Christ are still persecuted for their faith and faithfulness to the Lord Jesus.  It calls for 

"patient endurance".

Lord Jesus, help your saints of today, wherever they be around the world, to have patient endurance for any and all ongoing trials and tribulations due to their faith in You.

May all of us be found labeled with such a living 'epitaph' too and be called "blessed" because we each remained faithful to You even when enduring the worst of treatment at the hands of those who hate You and Your precious name, "Jesus".

People of God say, "Amen".

                                               ~ ERC  September 2023 ~

Based on Revelation 13:9-10; 14:12-13 NIV.

Sing, By Faith, along with Keith and Kristyn Getty. 

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