Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Good Book - The Caring Church - By Howard W. Stone - Reviewed by: ERC

 Pastors, oversight members such as elders and deacons, each have much to do within a church setting to care for their parishioners.  At times they become so 'overworked' they come to the verge of burnout.

This book strongly recommends the training of lay pastoral care workers.  The author also recommends those willing to show their love and care in this way to have some basic counseling training.

The beginning few chapters of this book helps the pastor and oversight to understand some of the how and why of such a ministry and then goes on to detail in wonderful helpful explanation just how to do such training.  The last chapters are good for the would-be lay pastoral carer to read as well.

There are case studies to help illustrate how one can care for another and in different situations such as in grief, listening and responding, adapting to new realities; suicidal members and how to assess the risks; how a pastor can continue to be involved alongside such lay pastoral carers in a more supervisory role, and some case studies with which to 'practice'.

Overall, a comprehensive yet lay-term look at what could be a very meaningful ministry in relieving and aiding not only the burden and responsibility the oversight carries but of being a service to the actual congregants.

May many be benefited, no matter which person you may be in the rendering of service in God's Kingdom.  Pray many caring churches will spring up.

                                                  ~ERC  September 2023~

The book is A Guide for Lay Pastoral Care.

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