Saturday, September 23, 2023

Believing and Suffering


Getting a doctor's diagnosis coupled with a prognosis can be quite cataclysmic. Think of it, the doctor announces,

"You have _________ and it is at the stage where you have 1-4 months to live, but emphasis is on the one month!"

That's raw footage right there!

How would you feel?

I sense you would be feeling like you'd gotten hit by a truck.  You are seeing stars.  You'd feel numb, stunned, and maybe even burst into a torrent of tears, and your body may begin to shake uncontrollably.

Then a progression of thoughts whirl through your mind:  fear, anger; questions such as "Why me, God?"' and a whole slew more.  Eventually you try to collect yourself, and perhaps enough to drive yourself home.

Bring this scenario as an illustration into the faith in Christ realm.  If you are a believer in Christ, you know for sure, where you are going and have confident assurance of the promised everlasting life with Christ.  You will be with Him.  Yet, the process of dying - in pain and/or the helpless situation of dependance upon others, and maybe even the loss of dignity especially if there is no-one willing to help perserve it for you, will be a struggle to get through.

When I read Philippians 1:27-30, and targeted verse 29, which reads, 

"For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on Him, but also to suffer for Him..."

I realized the diagnosis is that a follower of Jesus Christ, believes in Him but the prognosis is that he or she will suffer for the sake of the gospel and the faith an individual has in Christ.

The suffering is to varying degrees and even to the ultimate sacrifice - death.

Paul - the author of the letter to the Philippians - tries to give some comfort using himself as an example for being able to patiently endure.  He wrote,

"...since you are going through the same struggle you saw I had, and now hear that I still have" (Philippians 1:30).

Recognizing that others were able to stand up under persecution can give us some iota of hope and courage that we will be able to endure, not under our own strength but by the hand of God our Heavenly Father that we can bear the suffering on behalf of Christ, should it come to that.  He will help a believer get through.

Loving and Heavenly Father, thank You for the faith I have in Christ.  Believing in Him often gives a believer a life of suffering at the hands of those who hate you and the name of Jesus.

We need You every hour to see us through.  Give us the confidence and courage that you are standing by helping us.

The Philippians had "little strength" but they used what they had in order to "keep your word" and to "not deny your name" and the name of Jesus.  They were overcomers and you did not deny them (see Revelation 3:7-13 NIV).

Even the apostle Paul was faithful to the end.  May these early believers' example be a help to us today in the midst of our suffering for the name of Jesus as well as our dependance upon You, our Almighty God and Jesus Christ our Savior who is in us.

In Jesus name I ask.

                                                  ~ERC  September 2023~

Based on Philippians 1:27-30 NIV.

Sing, Our God in Ages Past, along with Grace Community Church and  Yet Not I but Christ in Me, along with City Alight.

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