Friday, August 18, 2023

Victorious Overcomers - Smyrna

 Plodding through the book of Revelation, we see the wonderful news that there were overcomers in the seven churches.  There had been much to overcome too.  What an encouragment though to us today who also struggle.  Let's see how the overcomers of Smyrna managed.

The Smyrna brothers and sisters-in-Christ had to stare death in the eyes.  That first death that could very well hurt - a lot.  There was poverty, prison and persecution.  This was doled out in daily abasement and affronts, no doubt.  However, faithfulness and courage helped them overcome fear.  Their blessing in it all they were told was that they would 

"...not be hurt by the second death" (Revelation 2:11 NIV). [emphasis mine]

That second death would be without Christ.  This they would not have to suffer or be hurt by.  Instead, they would be with Christ, forever.

People love the idea of crowns.  The crown of life must be among one of the precious few most bejeweled and these overcomers would receive this victor's crown of life!  

Their courage and determination to persevere through it all must have stemmed from this wonderful promise from Jesus, the One who held their Smyrna star safely in His hand.

We can take courage from their example in our day, especially those of us to suffer in one way or another due to our faith in Jesus Christ.  Let us too, take heart, and be victorious overcomers through Jesus Christ our Lord.

                                                   ~ERC  August 2023~

Based on Revelation 2:8-11 NIV.

Sing, Victor's Crown, along with Darlene Zschech.

See, Victorious Overcomers - Ephesus (Intro to this series).

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