Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Legalistic Righteousness

"I'm doing this for the sake of Christ," someone might say.  Or, "I always do this in order to please the Lord and give Him praise and glory".  You are good at it all, like the apostle Paul had been.

" for zeal persecuting the church; for legalistic righeousness, faultless" (Philippians 3:6 NIV).

You are very good at it, yes, but it feels empty and you are miserable.  I get the feeling something has you hoodwinked.  I feel it because I know it for myself.

Paul had been at the top of his game in zeal and legalistic righteousness.  After his conversion he realized it was dross and he considered it loss in comparison to what he had now gained through Jesus Christ. I mean, truly gained (see Philippians 3:7-9).

I strongly believe that even after we come to Christ through faith that there is still that pride in us that strives to put on a show.  Subtly, the show is not for the Lord but for fellow man - likely for the elders, deacons, pastors, and even the general populace of congregants in an assembly of  believers.  Sometimes this is subconsciously done so it is good to examine ourselves to see where we stand.

The show is to show how well one can appear a spiritul man or woman.  This is "legalistic righteousness".  You have become "faultless" at it.  Therefore, you are accepted among the people who call themselves "people of God" because you are upholding an unwritten code and standard which is pleasing in their eyes.  You even have zeal for it.

Yet there is emptiness.  But you don't want to lose the applause.  I'm not condemning any individual here.  I'm very sorrowful at such a condition of spiritual abuse that we fob upon one another.  I don't believe the Lord is getting any glory or honor from such "legalistic righteousness".

This may even be in our subconscious, as I mentioned earlier and we don't even realize where the futility originates.  This is sadness.  This comes from the head and our human being-ness.  Rather, let our service to the Lord be praise worthy because it comes from a heart full of praise and gratitude from Him and from

 "...knowing Christ Jesus...and be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law:  but that which is through faith in Christ - the righeousness that comes from God and is by faith" (Philippians 3:3-9 NIV).

It is such a relief to know and remember our righteousness comes from God through faith in Christ.  We are no longer required to live a false righteousness, rather we can truly be all out for Christ.  All our accolades can be turned over to Him for safe-keeping, but we can consider them loss because we have something, or rather, Someone who is so much better.

In so doing we will be giving glory, honor and praise to the One who died for us and bought our ransom and gave us His righeousness.  Let out your breath, and bask in these thoughts.  It is so free-ing.  Live to please Him as He accepts us for who we are, not for what we can do or how spiritual we may appear.

Praise the Lord.

Heavenly Father, You have given me such freedom in Christ.  Thank You for accepting me as an 'as is where is' person.  I did not have to achieve any legalistic standard of supposed righteousness to gain Your affection and acceptance...and I still don't.

Strip away every single last remnant of zealous legalistic righteousness I think I may have.  I only want to display Your righteousness, Father.  Help me to consciously "take hold" of  this so only Your righeousness in me may be revealed.  To You alone, Father, be the glory.

I ask in Jesus' name, Amen.

                                                       ~ERC  September 2023~

Based on Philippians 3:1-9 NIV.

Sing, Humble My Heart along with Daniel Cha (sing it prayerfully) and Jesus, God's Righteousness Revealed, along with WMTV Music.

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