Monday, September 11, 2023

Victorious Overcomers - Laodicea


Ever hear someone say, "I can take it or I can leave it - it's neither here nor there for me"?  Or, when asked, "Would you like tea or coffee?" and the answer is non-commital, "Either one will do."  This kind of answer is irksome to me.  I find it unhelpful even if the person is trying to not be difficult.  I want the person to be specific so I do not have to be the one to decide for him or her.  "Be specific!"  I want to say - loudly.  "Be decisive!"

This kind of milk and water answer shows no commital or passion.  It is like what the church at Laodicea had become and I can understand what Jesus wanted to do about it.  They were... 

"...neither hot nor cold."
  This lukewarmness caused Jesus to say He'd... 

"...spit [them] out of [His] mouth" (see Revelation 3:16).

They didn't realize how wretched they were; how far they'd declined.  Aren't we often like this in our own spirits?  Collectively too, within a church setting.  I don't like to keep honing in about it as to what happened during and post Covid-19 era but it so illustrates the wishy-washy attitudes and behavior.

  When we came out of that dark underground bunker of lockdowns into the light of day, it showed up our lethargy, which I suspect was there all along, to some degree, pre-covid days.  Brothers and sisters-in-Christ, fellow travelers and followers of Jesus, we all need to wake up.

Instead of allowing the covid era years, or other 'reasons,' to have turned us comatose, let's let those days to have refined us like...

 " in the fire" (Revelation 3:18). 
 Allow God's rebukes and discipline to bring us sincere repentance, so when Jesus comes knocking at your door wanting to commune and sup with you, you open that door straight away and let Him in.  


May we each experience that passion of revival in our individual souls and then together with those in your local church, be victorious overcomers!

You know the words Jesus used when He was at the prominent Pharisee's house and saw those guests vying to sit the closest to the host?  Well, here's your chance to be eager to sit closest to Jesus when He's on His throne!  Overcomers the other side of no passion get the right to sit with Him on His throne, just like Jesus did with His Father in Heaven.

Overcomers take heed of John's parting admonition,

 "Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches." (Revelation 3:22).

                                                         ~ERC  July 2023~

Based on Revelation 2 & 3, especially Revelation 3:14-22.

Sing, Victory Crown, along with Darlene Zschech, Integrity Music.

See also the following related links:








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