Friday, September 8, 2023

Victorious Overcomers - Philadelphia


Does your heart go out to the people of the church in Philadelphia?

The expression, 'small but mighty' comes to mind in that they were described as having "little strength" yet they'd kept God's "word and didn't deny Jesus' name" (Revelation 3:8).  They were "faint yet pursuing"(Judges 8:4), like Gideon and his men in the Old Testament times; they'd been battle weary yet they continued on.

The church at Philadelphia brothers and sisters-in-Christ had patiently endured and had the hope of Jesus "coming soon."  This hope can be a bulwark, reassuring us too, in our day.  And the trials and tribulations that loom large in our scope, ccan be minimized and overcome by viewing the end, setting the goal before us.  This is what overcomers do with the help of the Holy Spirit.  Our God will never leave us nor forsake us (see Deuteronomy 31:6 and Hebrews 13:5).

Let us continue to run His race set out before us until we are 'raptured' before that big and terrible day that will come upon the whole world.  When we endure, then the name of His city will be written on us.  People will know "you have been with Jesus" (see Acts 4:13) by your perseverence and manner of life lived for His glory and honor.

                                                       ~ERC  July 2023~

Based on Revelation 2 & 3, especially 3:7-13.

Sing, Overcomer, along with Mandisa.

See also the following links...






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