Thursday, August 24, 2023

Victorious Overcomers - Pergamum



Manna is the substance that the Israelites were introduced to towards the beginning of their wanderings in the wilderness.  This was their sustanance - their staple food of life-giving nourishment (Exodus 16:1-36).  Pergamum overcomers would get to eat some of the "hidden manna".  

According to 'todaydevotional' (see link below*1), "hidden manna" could refer to the manna that was kept in the ark of the covenant inside the Most Holy Place in the Tabernacle (see Exodus 16:33-34).  It was ever a reminder of God's generous provision and hospitality.  Also, and I really like this, a reminder of God's presence with them (see Joshua 1:9).  He did promise to go with them.  No one was supposed to touch it, not even to touch the ark of the covenant but here we see the promise to the overcomers of Pergamum that they would get to eat some of it.

God's presence was with them and He would provide for them.  These are encouragements direct from our kind, compassionate Heavenly Father.  With God on their side and with them, they could stand up courageously in the midst of Satan's perverse darkness and of those wicked deeds done in the flesh that their society of day held.

Sound familiar to our current day and age?

All those "pleasures of sin of a season" (see Hebrews 11:25-26) that have potential to tempt and lure even a believer in Jesus Christ, we need to be aware and beware of.  With Holy Spirit's help, listening for His voice of guidance and caution, we will overcome too.

We can follow Moses' example too, who refused to be lured by all the glitter that was not pure gold.  God's gold, not fool's gold we can invest in.  This is what overcomers do.

We can read of how Lot caused himself anguish of heart and soul when in Sodom and Gomorrah and even in cultures throughout the ages since then, civilisations that rose and fell often at God's direction and orchestration.  Human nature is still the same today.  

Believers in Jesus Chrsit, let us be overcomers who prefer that hidden manna, our very own 'Bread of Life' - Jesus.  He is life-sustaining and then, like the Pergamum folks, receive the 'white stone' of innocence and purity.  Let's be kept pure until Jesus comes.

                                                  ~ ERC  August 2023 ~

Based on Revelation 2 & 3, esp. Rev 2:12-17.

Sing, Will You Be An Overcomer?, along with Hymns and Spiritual Songs.

See also:

Victorious Overcomers - Ephesus

Victorious Overcomers - Smyrna


*1. Today devotional by Julia Prins Vanderveen re Hidden Manna.

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