Saturday, August 5, 2023

Victorious Overcomers - Ephesus


The book of Revelation has been harrowed up, plowed and combed through with find-toothed combs and  theological machinery at length and ad nauseum; at least in my opinion.  Yet here I am of late, drawn to this book of the Bible on my own; go figure.  Perhaps my ears and heart are beginning to open and be ready to hear through the Holy Spirit's teaching and not through dry, raw material and lecturers for gaining head knowledge only.

What captured my attention when at first reluctantly reading this book were some of the opening statements for chapter 1 and verse 3:  a reader will be blessed for the reading thereof.  Then my imagination sparked at the one,

"who holds the seven stars in his right hand..." (Revelation 2:1).

As I pressed on through Chapters 2 and 3, the words "victorious" and "overcomer" impacted me.  So now, moving cautiously forward, let's take a look at these - even briefly.  Do read through these chapters if you can find the heart for them.  Note especially Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 26-28 and Revelation 3:5-6, 12, and 21.  It was quite hopeful that there would be victorious overcomers.

Quieten down your minds and hearts now.  Listen to God's Word and what the Holy Spirit desires to teach you.  Cut out all the daily avalanches of excess zoom meetings, video clips, K-Dramas - all the 'white' noise.  Focus on God's 'rewards' for overcomers.  Review what they overcame.  Think of what attitudes and virtuous characteristics these overcomers developed.

There must have been perseverance, determination, committment to their Savior, steadfastness in their faith; great courage and bravery in contending for their faith and much, much more.  You can fill in the blanks for yourselves.  I'm kinda standing back in amazement at what the people in those seven churches came through.

Some of that was not persecution but a fizzling out, a going to sleep, a lethargic comatose state-of-being believers (see Sardis - to come, as this is a series).  Yes, even then there were overcomers.  Let us not give up hope for wherever we may be at present.  Let us learn from them.

Others endured hardship for the name of Jesus, had poverty and were slandered, did not renounce their faith despite persecution, false teachings and allurements of society; liars; and lukewarmness were all contended against.  The overcomers had been furrowed up but they produced fruit in their lives as the Lord worked in them through these extreme challenges, and attempted blungeoning of their faith, yet they stood the tests and were victorious overcomers.  When you scroll through both Revelation 2 and 3, take note of what rights, and privileges and awards with which Jesus blesses the overcomers.

Let's look at Ephesus, in particular.  Ephesus overcomers have the...

 "right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God" (Revelation 2:7).  

The phrase "the tree of life" caught my attention.  I thought, hm-m-m, where do we 'meet' the tree of life first?  Isn't it in the Garden of Eden?

Adam and Eve had eaten of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis2:17; 3:1-7).  God banished them from this Garden and placed

 "cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life" (Genesis 3:23-24).

Those believers who had repented of their 

"forsaking their first love" 

of the Lord could eat of this tree of life.  When we repent of our sins, forgiveness from Jesus floods us and we too can eat of this tree.  Everlasting life is what many in this world, wish for.  In Christ, we have this right.  In time to come we will be with Christ forever.  Praise His holy name!

                                                      ~ERC July 2023~

Based on Revelation 2 & 3 NIV.

Sing, Revelation 2 & 3, Hold On, along with Joe Vermeulen.

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