Thursday, September 14, 2023

Scroll of Revelation



When you hear the word 'scrolls,' what do you think of right off the bat?  Is it the Dead Sea Scrolls?  What an amazing find they were!  Or, how about graduant scrolls given out at a high school or university convocation?  Then there's the verb 'he scrolls' and 'she scrolls', perhaps in scrolling down on a computer article to reveal what's written further down.

The scroll (back to the noun) of Revelation 5 and 6 is somewhat formidable to read about and ponder upon.  What was written there really does "inspire fear and respect by being impressively powerful and intense" (Dictionary of Oxford Languages)!

First off, no one dared to open them - 

"no one was even found who was worthy to open them" (Revelation 5:3).  

Most people, I  found, especially the graduating kind, are eager to open their scrolls and even those of others' to see what they look like and experience the joy and satisfaction of seeing your name and degree distinction together.

In the scene John describes in Revelation 5, he tells us he...

 "...wept and wept.." 

because no one was worthy to open or look inside the seven seals on the scroll (see v4).  At last there was one - the Lamb of God, He was worthy and He took the scroll from the right hand of Him who sat on the throne (see v7).

In turn, this triggered a great burst of praise not only from the four living creatures and twenty-four elders but the thousands upon ten thousand of angels who chimed in.  Can you imagine that choir - it must have been euphoric, so, well ... heavenly.

Yet, sobering.  When the scroll seals get opened, torrential rains of God's wrath and judgement deluge upon those living on earth.  As I type, we have just seen the effects of the mighty gusts of wind and torrential typhoon rains on the news coming out of Hong Kong.  One lady got blown clear off the sidewalk into the street.  These judgements recorded in Revelation will be so, so much more.  You can read about them in the next chapters; they are end times' events that rival none of the other of earth's horrendous tragedies.

This is the Lamb of God who is to be praise and honored and given glory because of His great power and the perspective of certain categories of people.  We can praise Him forever and ever (vs 13-14).  Vengence belongs to Him.  At last God is 'doing something' about all the evil and injustices.

Prophets from Old Testament times used to ask God, "How long?!" 

 "How long will you tolerate all of this evil" (see Habakkuk 1:1-4)? 

 Even in Revelation 6 we see this question asked by those who had been

 "slain because of the Word of God" (Revelation 6:9-11). 

"How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?"

Great and terrible are the judgements and punishments extended from the wrath and vengeance of God.  These fifth seal white-robed servants of God got an answer.  They were told, 

"wait a little longer..." (Revelation 6:11).

Even at such a time as this God holds back.  One reason was so that the number of others who would suffer for their faith in Jesus, would be complete.  I can think of another reason.

"The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9).

Worthy, indeed is our Lamb of God.

Verses like the 2nd Peter one helps me to get my head around all of God's judgements unleashed as I read with horror most of the rest of the book of Revelation.

Then to hear the thousands upon thousands in heaven giving God praise because of His worthiness to open those scroll seals!?  Why would we praise?

The Old Testament perspective was,

 "eye for an eye" 

but New Tesatment is 

"forbear," "forgive" and "turn the other cheek"
 and because we are from the "Day of Grace" period it can trouble us to think of God acting like this.

However, God is a just God.  People of the world always claim to want justice to be meted out.  God is planning on it.  Actually, has already planned it.

Jesus is coming back again, not as a baby but as Judge of all the earth.  It will be forever too late for human earthlings to repent then and accept Christ and His salvation.

Forever, too late.

This is why we implore one and all to come to Christ, now!  We do not want all these judgements to fall on our loved ones, friends and people in general.

God's wisdom, almighty power and strength will be seen.  We can praise Him for this.  We can praise the worthy Lamb of God - our Jesus.  Let us be ready well before this worthy one starts opening those Scroll of Revelation seals.

Then join the elders who fall down and worship (v14).  This is about all we can do.  The scroll is in Jesus' hand and we can watch as He opens the seals, as did John (Revelation 6:1).  Call out,

"Worthy is the Lamb."

Bow to His Sovereign authority.

                                              ~ ERC August 2023 ~

Based on Revelation 5; see also Psalm 13:1; Isaiah 6:11 and Habakkuk 1:1-4.

Sing, Man of Sorrows (Passion) along with Hillsong Worship.

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