Sunday, September 24, 2023

Without Complaining or Arguing

 Jesus came from Heaven to Earth to show us, among other things, the way to live.  One of those ways is to have an attitude of humility.  The well-read verse portion of Philippians 2:5-11 describes it for us.  Read it.

Humility engraved in us will propel us to look out for the interests of others over and above our own interests.  Furthermore, we will

 "do everything without complaining or arguing..." (Philippians 2:14).

Being able to "do everything" without complaining or arguing sounds like a very tall order to me!  We are so prone to doing it especially when it goes against our own will.

It is quite likely why Paul prefaces these few verses with Jesus and what His humility accomplished for all of us!  Profound.  It was not His will but the will of His Father God.

In our family, at work or at church - wherever we go, when we are characterized with a mantle and infusion of humility, which only comes through allowing the Holy Spirit to work in us, we will 

"become pure and blameless and shine like stars".

The "drink offering of sacrifice and service" administered from our faith and humility may be "poured out" for Jesus yet can bring gladness and rejoicing - cheering our hearts and those of others despite the suffering.  This has been the apostle Paul's motivation and inspiration from depending upon God's strength.  Let us willingly and happily live for Him.

Abba Father, we are so very thankful for your sending Jesus to earth.  He is our perfect example of humility in action, spurred on by His love for us.  He did not complain, grumble or argue about the work you set forth for Him to do.

Continue to mold our hearts in like manner so we will gratefully go about "doing everything" in the name of Jesus for His glory and honor with gladness, gratitude, and rejoicing in an attitude of humility.  May we not run or labor in vain.

I ask in Jesus' name.

                                               ~ERC  September 2023~

Based on Philippians 2:14-18 NIV.

Sing, Humble Yourself, along with Maranatha singers and Humble Heart, along with Matt McChlery.

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