Saturday, September 30, 2023

Straining Toward


Straining Toward

Whether it has been accolades heaped upon us from our earthly achievements, so-called spiritual attainments, or a lifetime of hurts, disappointments and/or abuse, since we are now in Christ and Christ is in us through our faith in Him, let us take hold of God's righteousness, love and care.  This with a pro-active attitude of...

"forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead" (Philippians 3:13).

I don't mean we sweep everything under the carpet!  Much of an abusive past does need to be dealt with and overcome, often on a daily basis, for years.  My angle here is rather that we forget in such a way that we can count our achievements as loss because we have something better -

"to win the prize for which God calls [us] heavenward in Christ Jesus 
(Philippians 3:14).

For the Philippians, they were enduring persecution and Paul takes note of it, giving an antidote so to speak, to overcome the fear and pain.

For us nowadays, the sorrows, griefs, PTSD from abuse or traumatic experiences and so on, if we have managed to get ourselves out of such situations, let it all NOT torture our minds, rather, instead, fill our minds with holding on to Christ and to reach for what we have in Him.  Doing so is ever so helpful in being able to 'forget' enough what had been 'behind' in our life up until now, allowing ourself to then keep our eyes and thoughts on the goal ahead; in fact, to strain toward this goal.

I like the phrase, "strain toward".  Our God knows our human-ness and that we have difficulties in life and that they are hard and take effort to overcome.

On the second hand, to 'strain toward' shows pro-active action.  We stir ourselves to  move, to press on, pressing on toward what Christ Jesus has as a 'prize' for us.

He calls us heavenward for it.  This encourages us to untangle and disengage ourselves from that which is earthly business to reach heavenward towards God and His business.

Jesus, friend unfailing, how dear you are to me.  Thank You for Your tender loving care that always reaches out to me.  Thank You for this reminder in Your word to forget what is behind and instead to strain toward You and the prize You have waiting for me in heaven.  Thank You for bringing my thoughts to be less encumbered with earthly things.  No doubt we are still needing to live here and do what we need to do but help me to pro-actively continute to take hold of You, my Savior and Lord.

In Your name, Lord Jesus, I give You thanks.

                                                   ~ERC  September 2023~

Based on Philippians 3:12-14 NIV.

Sing, I Press On Toward the Goal, along with Jason Silver Sings Scripture.

Friday, September 29, 2023

Book Review - Love and Duty at Blackberry Farm (Book 3) - By Rosie Clarke - Publication Date: 29 September 2023


A look at WWII time and the folks who stay behind to tend to home fires.  They too have their duties, which are no less important to the war effort.  Additionally, there is a peek at injured soldiers who come home to heal physically and as well as emotionally. The author helps the reader get a feel for it all.  The sweet bits and bites of romance lend interest to this quick read historical story. 

                                            ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Book Review - All My Love, Detrick - By Roberta Kagan - Publication Date: 27 September 2023


My heart was rung in so many directions in this not so happily-ever-after work of historical fiction.  It is set in Hitler's Germany as things heat up and progress into WWII.  Mercifully, there is a gleam of goodness and kindness, stark against the awfulness, which weaves tender tendrils of romance throughout the tale as a saving grace.  Jacob, Leah and Detrick bridge the gap of racism with secrets that are too dangerous to expose.  

In this book, I found the author Roberta Kagan to be exemplary in her telling of the tale.  She didn't mince words or stifle outcomes, creating this narrative into greater aura of reality, of how people most likely experienced it.  I could 'feel it' almost as if I had gone through the experience myself.  Therefore, I believe she deserves a 5-Star rating ovation.

One caution is that some readers may not wish to read the many intimate scenes portrayed.        

                                         ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                        September 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Legalistic Righteousness

"I'm doing this for the sake of Christ," someone might say.  Or, "I always do this in order to please the Lord and give Him praise and glory".  You are good at it all, like the apostle Paul had been.

" for zeal persecuting the church; for legalistic righeousness, faultless" (Philippians 3:6 NIV).

You are very good at it, yes, but it feels empty and you are miserable.  I get the feeling something has you hoodwinked.  I feel it because I know it for myself.

Paul had been at the top of his game in zeal and legalistic righteousness.  After his conversion he realized it was dross and he considered it loss in comparison to what he had now gained through Jesus Christ. I mean, truly gained (see Philippians 3:7-9).

I strongly believe that even after we come to Christ through faith that there is still that pride in us that strives to put on a show.  Subtly, the show is not for the Lord but for fellow man - likely for the elders, deacons, pastors, and even the general populace of congregants in an assembly of  believers.  Sometimes this is subconsciously done so it is good to examine ourselves to see where we stand.

The show is to show how well one can appear a spiritul man or woman.  This is "legalistic righteousness".  You have become "faultless" at it.  Therefore, you are accepted among the people who call themselves "people of God" because you are upholding an unwritten code and standard which is pleasing in their eyes.  You even have zeal for it.

Yet there is emptiness.  But you don't want to lose the applause.  I'm not condemning any individual here.  I'm very sorrowful at such a condition of spiritual abuse that we fob upon one another.  I don't believe the Lord is getting any glory or honor from such "legalistic righteousness".

This may even be in our subconscious, as I mentioned earlier and we don't even realize where the futility originates.  This is sadness.  This comes from the head and our human being-ness.  Rather, let our service to the Lord be praise worthy because it comes from a heart full of praise and gratitude from Him and from

 "...knowing Christ Jesus...and be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law:  but that which is through faith in Christ - the righeousness that comes from God and is by faith" (Philippians 3:3-9 NIV).

It is such a relief to know and remember our righteousness comes from God through faith in Christ.  We are no longer required to live a false righteousness, rather we can truly be all out for Christ.  All our accolades can be turned over to Him for safe-keeping, but we can consider them loss because we have something, or rather, Someone who is so much better.

In so doing we will be giving glory, honor and praise to the One who died for us and bought our ransom and gave us His righeousness.  Let out your breath, and bask in these thoughts.  It is so free-ing.  Live to please Him as He accepts us for who we are, not for what we can do or how spiritual we may appear.

Praise the Lord.

Heavenly Father, You have given me such freedom in Christ.  Thank You for accepting me as an 'as is where is' person.  I did not have to achieve any legalistic standard of supposed righteousness to gain Your affection and acceptance...and I still don't.

Strip away every single last remnant of zealous legalistic righteousness I think I may have.  I only want to display Your righteousness, Father.  Help me to consciously "take hold" of  this so only Your righeousness in me may be revealed.  To You alone, Father, be the glory.

I ask in Jesus' name, Amen.

                                                       ~ERC  September 2023~

Based on Philippians 3:1-9 NIV.

Sing, Humble My Heart along with Daniel Cha (sing it prayerfully) and Jesus, God's Righteousness Revealed, along with WMTV Music.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Multicultural House of Prayer

 When God's Word tells us God wants His house to...

" called a house of prayer for all nations..." (Isaiah 36:7),

it means He wants people from every tribe, tongue, people and nation to be there praying (see Revelation 7:9-10).  He invites one and all.

Granted, in the book of Isaiah, 'the house of prayer 'refers to the Israelite temple where the people of God worshipped God.  The idea flashed through my mind, that in this day of grace, this 'house' is the Kingdom of God and we could even extend that to our respective churches.

God wants all men everywhere to be saved (see 1 Timothy 2:3-4).  He gave Jesus, His one and only Son to redeem one and all, making salvation available to the "whosoever will" (see John 3:16).

So saying, we should not let racism or prejudice rule our hearts and taint our attitudes when we share the gospel or when we invite and/or welcome newcomers into our midst at church who may not be of your same "species".

Think of the story we call "The Good Samaritan".  You can read about it in Luke 10:30-37.  A priest, a Levite and a Samaritan each saw the beat up man.  The wounded man was likely a Jew.  Jew's and Samaritans hated each other.

The priest and Levite were both "Jews" and did not do anything even for their own kind.  They came, they saw and they passed by, on the other side of the road!  The Samaritan came to where the victim was and tended to the man's wounds, and took him to an inn for further care until he was well enough to be on his way.

The Samaritan showed mercy, kindness and love to his "enemy".  As believers, we too can overcome our prejudices and racism and show God's love in action to people of all ethnic backgrounds, including one's own.

Afterall, we will be sharing heaven with people from all cultures.  Let us begin to make our homes and churches #1, a house of prayer and #2, a house of prayer for all nations until Jesus calls us Home to His House in Heaven.

Father God, hallowed be your name.  Hallowed be your home in heaven but often our own homes and churches on earth are not up to snuff.  We confess this, hopefully with the integrity and sincerity to make the needed changes so that our houses dedicated to you do indeed become houses of prayer that welcome people of every tribe, tongue, people and nation.  Help us to show Your love in action towards all so that we can bring many sons to glory, adding to Your Kingdom as we live out our day-to-day lives until we all come and pray, and Jesus comes for us.  Then we will be able to rest with You wherever you are, holding hands together and praying in your Multicultural House of Prayer.

In Jesus' name I pray and ask.

                                               ~ERC  September 2023~

Based on Isaiah 56:7; Matthew 10:30-37 and Matthew 5:44 NIV.

Sing, Glory Come Down, along with Christ For the Nations Worship.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Without Complaining or Arguing

 Jesus came from Heaven to Earth to show us, among other things, the way to live.  One of those ways is to have an attitude of humility.  The well-read verse portion of Philippians 2:5-11 describes it for us.  Read it.

Humility engraved in us will propel us to look out for the interests of others over and above our own interests.  Furthermore, we will

 "do everything without complaining or arguing..." (Philippians 2:14).

Being able to "do everything" without complaining or arguing sounds like a very tall order to me!  We are so prone to doing it especially when it goes against our own will.

It is quite likely why Paul prefaces these few verses with Jesus and what His humility accomplished for all of us!  Profound.  It was not His will but the will of His Father God.

In our family, at work or at church - wherever we go, when we are characterized with a mantle and infusion of humility, which only comes through allowing the Holy Spirit to work in us, we will 

"become pure and blameless and shine like stars".

The "drink offering of sacrifice and service" administered from our faith and humility may be "poured out" for Jesus yet can bring gladness and rejoicing - cheering our hearts and those of others despite the suffering.  This has been the apostle Paul's motivation and inspiration from depending upon God's strength.  Let us willingly and happily live for Him.

Abba Father, we are so very thankful for your sending Jesus to earth.  He is our perfect example of humility in action, spurred on by His love for us.  He did not complain, grumble or argue about the work you set forth for Him to do.

Continue to mold our hearts in like manner so we will gratefully go about "doing everything" in the name of Jesus for His glory and honor with gladness, gratitude, and rejoicing in an attitude of humility.  May we not run or labor in vain.

I ask in Jesus' name.

                                               ~ERC  September 2023~

Based on Philippians 2:14-18 NIV.

Sing, Humble Yourself, along with Maranatha singers and Humble Heart, along with Matt McChlery.

Lord's Day Devotion - Beyond Maturity


Athletes practice and train, always improving their stamina, muscles, moves (depending on their respective sport), straining ever forward for better and better potential competitive results.  They can't rest for much more than a day at a time.  They don't want to only maintain a level of competent maturity for their bodies, they want to go beyond, pushing and testing their limits and strengths.  Oh, and eradicating their weaknesses.

They usually only have a limited time to be at their peak performance.  Prime time is about mid-teens to perhaps mid-twenties.  Some manage to push to 30 or 32 years of age.  Then their bodies begin to work against them and they need to retire and find something else to do.

Take this analogy to the spiritual realm and life we have in Christ.  Look at what Paul says to the Philippians in chapter 3 and verse 15 and 16...

"All of us, then, who are mature should take such a view of things.  And if on some point you think differeently, that too God will make clear to you.  Only let us live up to what we have already attained" (Philippians 3:15-16 NIV).

These brothers and sisters who are mature need to live up to the level they've already attained.  If we step back again to verse 13 you'll see we are reminded of the "straining toward".  Like the athletes, we must always strain and strive, not just to a supposed point of maturity in our faith, nor just to maintain a certain level of it, no, we must reach and reach beyond that, continuing to build ourselves (and others) up in our most holy faith.  This not legalistically but out of a heart full of love and appreciation for what Christ has done for us.  A heart of love will see these not as a command but as the Lord's wish to be fulfilled for Him.

If we relent for a day, it often becomes more days and then rarely ever do we warm ourselves with the Lord's presence.  We digress to milk instead of having a diet of meat (see 1 Corinthians 3:1-2).  Let us guard against this.  Our Lord and Savior is ever waiting to commune with us over God's Word and prayer and living it out.  What's more, there's no specific time frame we need to capitalize upon as in the athletic world.  No we can be mature and beyond mature right up into our old age, until Jesus comes for us.

"How do you like that?" she asks with a glad smile.

As we brothers and sisters-in-Christ come before the Lord collectively on a Lord's Day, let us be glad and rejoice with Him for the salvation He brought and bought us on the cross.  When we partake of the broken bread and drink of the cup of wine in remembrance of His atoning act of love, and redemption on our behalf, give thanks that we can pro-actively mature in our faith and then go out rejoicing that we can each live and grow beyond maturity.

Father God, You make all things beautiful in Your time.  Thank You for the times we have to remember Your demonstration of love for us and the new life You planted within us at our moment of salvation.

Thank You for Your Holy Spirit who aids and abetts our relationship with You through Jesus and helps bring us to maturity in our faith.

We give You our thanks in Jesus' name. Amen.

                                              ~ERC  September 2023~

Based on Philippians 3:15-16.

Sing, Oh God of Ages Past, along with Se Samonte and Growing in Jesus, along with stc channel.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Believing and Suffering


Getting a doctor's diagnosis coupled with a prognosis can be quite cataclysmic. Think of it, the doctor announces,

"You have _________ and it is at the stage where you have 1-4 months to live, but emphasis is on the one month!"

That's raw footage right there!

How would you feel?

I sense you would be feeling like you'd gotten hit by a truck.  You are seeing stars.  You'd feel numb, stunned, and maybe even burst into a torrent of tears, and your body may begin to shake uncontrollably.

Then a progression of thoughts whirl through your mind:  fear, anger; questions such as "Why me, God?"' and a whole slew more.  Eventually you try to collect yourself, and perhaps enough to drive yourself home.

Bring this scenario as an illustration into the faith in Christ realm.  If you are a believer in Christ, you know for sure, where you are going and have confident assurance of the promised everlasting life with Christ.  You will be with Him.  Yet, the process of dying - in pain and/or the helpless situation of dependance upon others, and maybe even the loss of dignity especially if there is no-one willing to help perserve it for you, will be a struggle to get through.

When I read Philippians 1:27-30, and targeted verse 29, which reads, 

"For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on Him, but also to suffer for Him..."

I realized the diagnosis is that a follower of Jesus Christ, believes in Him but the prognosis is that he or she will suffer for the sake of the gospel and the faith an individual has in Christ.

The suffering is to varying degrees and even to the ultimate sacrifice - death.

Paul - the author of the letter to the Philippians - tries to give some comfort using himself as an example for being able to patiently endure.  He wrote,

"...since you are going through the same struggle you saw I had, and now hear that I still have" (Philippians 1:30).

Recognizing that others were able to stand up under persecution can give us some iota of hope and courage that we will be able to endure, not under our own strength but by the hand of God our Heavenly Father that we can bear the suffering on behalf of Christ, should it come to that.  He will help a believer get through.

Loving and Heavenly Father, thank You for the faith I have in Christ.  Believing in Him often gives a believer a life of suffering at the hands of those who hate you and the name of Jesus.

We need You every hour to see us through.  Give us the confidence and courage that you are standing by helping us.

The Philippians had "little strength" but they used what they had in order to "keep your word" and to "not deny your name" and the name of Jesus.  They were overcomers and you did not deny them (see Revelation 3:7-13 NIV).

Even the apostle Paul was faithful to the end.  May these early believers' example be a help to us today in the midst of our suffering for the name of Jesus as well as our dependance upon You, our Almighty God and Jesus Christ our Savior who is in us.

In Jesus name I ask.

                                                  ~ERC  September 2023~

Based on Philippians 1:27-30 NIV.

Sing, Our God in Ages Past, along with Grace Community Church and  Yet Not I but Christ in Me, along with City Alight.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Good Book - The Caring Church - By Howard W. Stone - Reviewed by: ERC

 Pastors, oversight members such as elders and deacons, each have much to do within a church setting to care for their parishioners.  At times they become so 'overworked' they come to the verge of burnout.

This book strongly recommends the training of lay pastoral care workers.  The author also recommends those willing to show their love and care in this way to have some basic counseling training.

The beginning few chapters of this book helps the pastor and oversight to understand some of the how and why of such a ministry and then goes on to detail in wonderful helpful explanation just how to do such training.  The last chapters are good for the would-be lay pastoral carer to read as well.

There are case studies to help illustrate how one can care for another and in different situations such as in grief, listening and responding, adapting to new realities; suicidal members and how to assess the risks; how a pastor can continue to be involved alongside such lay pastoral carers in a more supervisory role, and some case studies with which to 'practice'.

Overall, a comprehensive yet lay-term look at what could be a very meaningful ministry in relieving and aiding not only the burden and responsibility the oversight carries but of being a service to the actual congregants.

May many be benefited, no matter which person you may be in the rendering of service in God's Kingdom.  Pray many caring churches will spring up.

                                                  ~ERC  September 2023~

The book is A Guide for Lay Pastoral Care.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Empathy Silence


What's wrong with silence?  

Listening to quiet can be peaceful and healing.  Keeping your mouth closed, to slow down and listen to other people.  They probably like your silence, if it's a listeing silence and not a cold-shoulder silence.

Sometimes we want to instruct others though, and we open our mouths to fill the silence instead with "you should do this'" or "do that's" - trying to fix the problems.

I really should start to suck my thumb again.  I used to - when I was a young child.  Then I didn't say anything good or bad.  I just watched the world go by - keeping quiet.

Watching and listening.

It's time to slow down.  Time to be quick to listen.  Time to be slow to speak.

It's so hard.

But if you want to give the gift of empathy. you will keep more silent and just encourage with,

"You must feel so sad ... so frustrated, ... so tired ... so happy ... can you tell me more?"

Let the other person do the talking.

I found the following posted on Facebook by a friend.  It is so appropo to this.

And so we can give people our time, our ears and tears and care.  It feels so good to be listened to, did you know that?  


What are you feeling?  

I hope there is someone there for you who lends you their empathy silence.

I pray so.

                                              ~ERC  September 2023~

Sing, Does Jesus Care, along with Gaither Music.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Book Review - Genius Noses - By Lena Anlauf - Publication Date: 19 September 2023


What an enchanting children's book!  The wonders of God's creation never cease to amaze and even amuse me.  There are some pretty cool 'nosey' creatures introduced here with cartoon-like illustrations that truly delighted me.  There were quite a number of 'nosed' creatures I'd never heard of before such as a 'Desman' and a 'Bilby'.  It was also surprizing to discover some snakes have noses to brag about.  I think children will really be captivated by the'offerings' presented in this educational, yet entertaining book.

The layout has short blurbs per creature with corresponding illustrations arranged by types such as water, air, underground and land animals.  Addtionally, there's a glossary at book's end to further engage the serious learner-reader.

5 Star rating from me.

                                          ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                              April 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - Genuine Concern

"I have no one else like him, who will show genuine concern for your welfare" (Philippians 2:20 NIV)

Not everyone we speak with earns our genuine concern for their difficulties in life.  This especially if they've brought the problems upon themselves.  It is our human nature that thinks like this.  However, it indeed cheers the heart to see that Timothy is commended for his genuine concern for the Philippians  predicament.  They were genuine trials and troubles.

As follow brothers and sisters-in-Christ, look for those who have problems.  Observe how you may be of help.  Let's extend the help from the heart and attitude of humility and looking out for the interests of others over and above our own.  More importantly, these are the interests of Jesus Christ Himself who took it upon Himself to be obedient and humble to God's interests.

As we gather together this Lord's Day around the Lord's Table let's remember all of this as we partake of the broken bread and drink from the cup of wine and pass them one to another.

HeavenlyFather, indeed it cheers our hearts to know of Your love and care over us.  Your genuine concern for us brought us Jesus who was obedient to Your intersts and desires, even unto being pooured out as a sacrifcie and offereing on our behalf.  he did so without complaingn or arguing.  We call Him 'blessed".  We thand You in Jesus' name.

                                                  ~ERC  September 2023~

Based on Philippians 2:19-21 NIV.

Sing, Once Again, along with Matt Redman.


Patient Endurance


No doubt the scenes and visions John recorded in Revelation show us a time to come after Jesus' followers have been caught up to be with Christ forever (i.e. the Rapture).  Therefore, what John describes is of another type of martyr of a different dispensation.  However, those who had remained faithful to Jesus, died in the Lord and God took note and called them "blessed".

What I want to emphasise here are the 'labels'.  We don't like to give labels to people for fear of stigmatizing them, yet these labels mentioned here are trophies of their faith in the Lord.  Here's some:

"patient endurance," coupled with "faithfulness", these two characterized "the saints" (Revelation 13:10).

Despite the persecution that enveloped them, they had remained faithful and true to Jesus.  Their 

"deeds followed them" (Revelation 14:13).
  Isn't this a wonder!

These descriptive words are key to us today.  Believers in Jesus Christ are still persecuted for their faith and faithfulness to the Lord Jesus.  It calls for 

"patient endurance".

Lord Jesus, help your saints of today, wherever they be around the world, to have patient endurance for any and all ongoing trials and tribulations due to their faith in You.

May all of us be found labeled with such a living 'epitaph' too and be called "blessed" because we each remained faithful to You even when enduring the worst of treatment at the hands of those who hate You and Your precious name, "Jesus".

People of God say, "Amen".

                                               ~ ERC  September 2023 ~

Based on Revelation 13:9-10; 14:12-13 NIV.

Sing, By Faith, along with Keith and Kristyn Getty. 

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Scroll of Revelation



When you hear the word 'scrolls,' what do you think of right off the bat?  Is it the Dead Sea Scrolls?  What an amazing find they were!  Or, how about graduant scrolls given out at a high school or university convocation?  Then there's the verb 'he scrolls' and 'she scrolls', perhaps in scrolling down on a computer article to reveal what's written further down.

The scroll (back to the noun) of Revelation 5 and 6 is somewhat formidable to read about and ponder upon.  What was written there really does "inspire fear and respect by being impressively powerful and intense" (Dictionary of Oxford Languages)!

First off, no one dared to open them - 

"no one was even found who was worthy to open them" (Revelation 5:3).  

Most people, I  found, especially the graduating kind, are eager to open their scrolls and even those of others' to see what they look like and experience the joy and satisfaction of seeing your name and degree distinction together.

In the scene John describes in Revelation 5, he tells us he...

 "...wept and wept.." 

because no one was worthy to open or look inside the seven seals on the scroll (see v4).  At last there was one - the Lamb of God, He was worthy and He took the scroll from the right hand of Him who sat on the throne (see v7).

In turn, this triggered a great burst of praise not only from the four living creatures and twenty-four elders but the thousands upon ten thousand of angels who chimed in.  Can you imagine that choir - it must have been euphoric, so, well ... heavenly.

Yet, sobering.  When the scroll seals get opened, torrential rains of God's wrath and judgement deluge upon those living on earth.  As I type, we have just seen the effects of the mighty gusts of wind and torrential typhoon rains on the news coming out of Hong Kong.  One lady got blown clear off the sidewalk into the street.  These judgements recorded in Revelation will be so, so much more.  You can read about them in the next chapters; they are end times' events that rival none of the other of earth's horrendous tragedies.

This is the Lamb of God who is to be praise and honored and given glory because of His great power and the perspective of certain categories of people.  We can praise Him forever and ever (vs 13-14).  Vengence belongs to Him.  At last God is 'doing something' about all the evil and injustices.

Prophets from Old Testament times used to ask God, "How long?!" 

 "How long will you tolerate all of this evil" (see Habakkuk 1:1-4)? 

 Even in Revelation 6 we see this question asked by those who had been

 "slain because of the Word of God" (Revelation 6:9-11). 

"How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?"

Great and terrible are the judgements and punishments extended from the wrath and vengeance of God.  These fifth seal white-robed servants of God got an answer.  They were told, 

"wait a little longer..." (Revelation 6:11).

Even at such a time as this God holds back.  One reason was so that the number of others who would suffer for their faith in Jesus, would be complete.  I can think of another reason.

"The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9).

Worthy, indeed is our Lamb of God.

Verses like the 2nd Peter one helps me to get my head around all of God's judgements unleashed as I read with horror most of the rest of the book of Revelation.

Then to hear the thousands upon thousands in heaven giving God praise because of His worthiness to open those scroll seals!?  Why would we praise?

The Old Testament perspective was,

 "eye for an eye" 

but New Tesatment is 

"forbear," "forgive" and "turn the other cheek"
 and because we are from the "Day of Grace" period it can trouble us to think of God acting like this.

However, God is a just God.  People of the world always claim to want justice to be meted out.  God is planning on it.  Actually, has already planned it.

Jesus is coming back again, not as a baby but as Judge of all the earth.  It will be forever too late for human earthlings to repent then and accept Christ and His salvation.

Forever, too late.

This is why we implore one and all to come to Christ, now!  We do not want all these judgements to fall on our loved ones, friends and people in general.

God's wisdom, almighty power and strength will be seen.  We can praise Him for this.  We can praise the worthy Lamb of God - our Jesus.  Let us be ready well before this worthy one starts opening those Scroll of Revelation seals.

Then join the elders who fall down and worship (v14).  This is about all we can do.  The scroll is in Jesus' hand and we can watch as He opens the seals, as did John (Revelation 6:1).  Call out,

"Worthy is the Lamb."

Bow to His Sovereign authority.

                                              ~ ERC August 2023 ~

Based on Revelation 5; see also Psalm 13:1; Isaiah 6:11 and Habakkuk 1:1-4.

Sing, Man of Sorrows (Passion) along with Hillsong Worship.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Consuming Fire

 We cannot comprehend it until we experience it.  God's almighty power is unfathomable even when we experience some of it.  We only scratch the surface, not plumb the vast depths but we can try.

We can get an inkling by gazing at a starry sky at night or having a glimpse through a telescope or go scuba diving off some exotic Borneo reef.  Even then it's only like the tip of an iceburg or a drop of water in a bucket.

Canada has experienced some of God's almighty power recently.  Not many months ago, Nova Scotia had wild fires causing affected residents to evacuate the burning areas.  Then even more recently, Yellowknife, a territory of Canada, was incincerating and the whole of Yellowknife had had to be evacuated, at least according to some news accounts.  Nearby regions were on high escape alert.  The red glow could be seen for terrifying kilometers and smoke assaulted for thousands downwind.

We prayed for rain and God's mercy for the residents to escape safely and to safety and run to God.  May they all realize, even in this aftermath time, God's almighty, yet loving power.

Psalm 97:3-4 says,

"Fire goes before Him and consumes His foes on every side.  His lightening lights up the world the earth sees and trembles."

I'm not suggesting that the fleeing residents were God's foes.  NO!  But may they and all who are yet without Christ, 

"see and tremble" 

their way to God through Jesus.  May they escape the coming wrath and fires of Hell!

"The mountains melt like wax," (Psalm 57:5)

under these earth fires.  What of the scorching hell fires?!

May all peoples of the earth look up to the heavens and

"proclaim [God's] righeousness" 


"see His glory" (v. 6).

May they know God's almighty power of salvation through Jesus Christ and some day soon go to be with Christ in Heaven and to be forever with Almighty God.  Then they and we will know His power more fully through full unblemished experience.  

"For our God is a consuming fire" (Hebrews 12:29).

Children of God, let God's consuming fire of love for us, ignite us to proclaim His righteousness, salvation and glory.  As a familiar song line sings,

"To God be the glory great things He has done!"

May His presence go with us touching us with His almighty power throughout our daily lives.

                                                ~ERC  August 2023~

Based on Psalm 97:3-6.

Sing, To God Be the Glory, along with Nothern Baptist Association.

Photo credits to a nephew.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Book Review - Wildflower Falls - By Denise Hunter - Publication Date: 12 September 2023


In my opinion, horses, a ranch, country side, and romance combine in this clean easy-read novel to lend a reader a pleasant extended evening of relaxation.  Charlotte Simpson, Gunner Dawson, The Robinsons, and Emmerson plus a small cache of other characters create the feeling of support and community that exude a welcome aura and back drop to the storyline.

                                              ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                              August 2023

Disclaimer: "I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Read review on Goodreads.

Monday, September 11, 2023

Book Review - Davy In the Snow - By Brigitte Weningo - Publication Date: 12 September 2023


This is a cute little bunny story.  Davy is the bunny with survival skills he uses in the snow.  Great pictures illustrate the narrative.  This will be of interest to young readers, I believe.  I think it would make a great gift for any child especially during winter days of snow.

                                               ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                                 July 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by Net Galley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Book Review - The Grief of Dads - Patrick O'Hearn & Bryan Feger with Kelly & Ryan Breaux of Red Bird Ministries - Publication Date: 1 September 2023

 Those who have lost a child whether by miscarriage, stillbirth, delivered live baby but dies in infancy, young child or as an adult child, will be able to enmesh themselves in this healing book.  I wept and wept healing tears as I too know this grief and range of feelings.  So much of what the authors have to say is exactly my own echoing sentiments and I found myself being ever so grateful for these printed words of struggle and testimony to the Lord's intervention especially on behalf of the Dads' agonizing experiences.

Truly, it is an excellent book and although I'm a Mom and not a Dad to whom this book is mostly addressed, I fully agree that the father's desparately need these words of hope and healing every bit as much as a mom does.  I hope many, many grieving Dads (due to child loss) will be able to read this book.

This book is very much out of the Roman Catholic belief but any Protestants and/or non-religious readers could still be greatly benefited, I believe.  Child loss can hit anyone.  Any such person will be greatly benefited and find healing in having their respective hearts touched by this tender offering from Dads who know.  This is my opinion, which I firmly hold.

I give this book a definite 5 Star rating.

                                             ~ Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger ~

                                                        September 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimenatary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Victorious Overcomers - Laodicea


Ever hear someone say, "I can take it or I can leave it - it's neither here nor there for me"?  Or, when asked, "Would you like tea or coffee?" and the answer is non-commital, "Either one will do."  This kind of answer is irksome to me.  I find it unhelpful even if the person is trying to not be difficult.  I want the person to be specific so I do not have to be the one to decide for him or her.  "Be specific!"  I want to say - loudly.  "Be decisive!"

This kind of milk and water answer shows no commital or passion.  It is like what the church at Laodicea had become and I can understand what Jesus wanted to do about it.  They were... 

"...neither hot nor cold."
  This lukewarmness caused Jesus to say He'd... 

"...spit [them] out of [His] mouth" (see Revelation 3:16).

They didn't realize how wretched they were; how far they'd declined.  Aren't we often like this in our own spirits?  Collectively too, within a church setting.  I don't like to keep honing in about it as to what happened during and post Covid-19 era but it so illustrates the wishy-washy attitudes and behavior.

  When we came out of that dark underground bunker of lockdowns into the light of day, it showed up our lethargy, which I suspect was there all along, to some degree, pre-covid days.  Brothers and sisters-in-Christ, fellow travelers and followers of Jesus, we all need to wake up.

Instead of allowing the covid era years, or other 'reasons,' to have turned us comatose, let's let those days to have refined us like...

 " in the fire" (Revelation 3:18). 
 Allow God's rebukes and discipline to bring us sincere repentance, so when Jesus comes knocking at your door wanting to commune and sup with you, you open that door straight away and let Him in.  


May we each experience that passion of revival in our individual souls and then together with those in your local church, be victorious overcomers!

You know the words Jesus used when He was at the prominent Pharisee's house and saw those guests vying to sit the closest to the host?  Well, here's your chance to be eager to sit closest to Jesus when He's on His throne!  Overcomers the other side of no passion get the right to sit with Him on His throne, just like Jesus did with His Father in Heaven.

Overcomers take heed of John's parting admonition,

 "Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches." (Revelation 3:22).

                                                         ~ERC  July 2023~

Based on Revelation 2 & 3, especially Revelation 3:14-22.

Sing, Victory Crown, along with Darlene Zschech, Integrity Music.

See also the following related links:








Book Review - Educating Elizabeth - By Jennifer Moore - Publication Date: 12 September 2023


This story is exciting and garnished with bursts of good humor, which are always a hit with me.  I like that it touches on social issues such as the disparity between the rich and poor but with some caring persons in the form of the main character Miss Elizabeth Miller, a most warm-hearted teacher.  Throw in the polarity between her and Lord Charles Chatsworth and you'll be kept well entertained; at least in my opinion.  There are also tender moments so that you may be laughting at one moment and weeping tears the next.  

I like that this book has spine.  It is no airy romance but one with grit and fortitude especially in promoting girls and women and their abilities, keeping in mind the late-ish 1800's time frame setting.  All in all, a very clean and satisfying read!

I give this book a 4-Star rating.

                                             ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                             June 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Book Review - The Girl From the Papers - By Jennifer L. Wright - Publication Date: 8 August 2023


If there's such a thing as loveable, freelance criminals, you'll find some in this book.  Beatrice and Jack were the stars, very much akin to the 1930's Bonnie and Clyde-like notoriety and calaber, who took the newspapers limelight by storm.  

Although this is a work of fiction, one will be able to see the reality of how a person's early childhood years of abuse, whether from physical or spiritual attacks, will have great impact on the adult that child becomes.  A saving grace to be found in this book, which I was really happy to come across, were the seeds of faith in Jesus that were planted along the way and that sprang up in helpful ways.

There was much action to keep the kettle boiling with never a dull moment, describing action 'then' and 'now'.  This is the second book of Jennifer L. Wright's I've read and once again, I have not been disappointed.

5 star rating from me.

                                          ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                            April 2023

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.