Friday, June 30, 2023

Wickedness Goes On and On BUT Judgement Comes in God's Timing


Habbakkuk was not my favorite book to read nor prophet to think about.  In fact, I thought it rather boring.   And then, the way some people pronounce his name is not the way I do, so there is that pet peeve.  Ha, ha.  In all seriousness however, because it is part of God's Word, I read the three chapters.  It's short and sweet, so one can read it in one go in less than about ten minutes.  Try it.

Ah.  Did that, done, check it off and move on to something more gripping and meaningful to me.  Well, lately I've got my reins jerked back by a book I'm reading about the book of Habakkuk that forces me to see this man and his book in better light.  It's actually amazingly enlightening and convicting.

It is so relavant to today and the parallels are so acute.  Wickedness in today's world is as rampant as it was in Habakkuk's day and one can therefore understand his anguish, complaints, and frustrations with God's supposed tolerance of it all.

In a nutshell, the nation of Israel had become so unrepentantly and unapologetically wicked to the point Habakkuk couldn't stand it and wondered why God was tolerating it so long.

It seemed God was not even listening to him even though he'd talked to Him about it (see Habakkuk 1:2-4).  There was so much violence, destruction, strife, paralyzed law, no justice and justice perverted.  That's when God gave the very surprizing answer you may be takenaback about by and rebel at as did Habakkuk.

God got him kind of excited at first by saying, 

"I'm going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if I told you!"

Would you assume something really good was about to happen?  Something like maybe the king suddenly repenting  after reading some of the Pentateuch, discovering all the laws God had given to Moses for them to follow and about all the potential blessings and curses for accepting or rejecting God and His laws.  It had happened before, it could happen again, right?

Wrong.  This time was very different.  God had had enough and told Habakkuk so.  He was going to sic the rabid Babylonians upon Israel (see Habakkuk 1:6-11).  That was like a ten ton truck had smacked into Habakkuk.  He never, ever expected God to do that!


"God!  That is too harsh!  The Babylonians are worse than the Israelites!" he gasped.  
"God, do you see what they are like!"  

Well, yes, God did, He even listed their resume.  Impressive qualifications for joining up with a gangster gang.  Look at the list:  

"ruthless; impetuous; feared, dreaded, swifter than leopards; fiercer than wolves; swoop to devour; deride kings, scoff at rulers, laugh at fortified cities" (Habakkuk 1:6-11).

They couldn't care less about others and would just bulldoze their way through with no mercy.

Sound like a country you know nowadays that feel they rule the world?  I'll let you decide the answer for yourself.

Habakkuk lamented again.

Such judgement would be terrifying and a horror to watch!  Can you visualize the massacre, bloodshed and brutality?

Seems Habakkuk harbored some rebellion in his heart about this but said he'd stand on the "ramparts" and wait for God's answer to this complaint (Habakkuk 2:1).

There are times when we may feel similarly to Habakkuk.  We see all the violence and wickedness and wars happening in our day and hate it.  Why, must it go on and on?  We know there is Judgement Day coming and may even feel that the punishment is harsh.

Some people even get angry when they find out about Hell being their destination for rejecting God and His offer of salvation.  Do we, as believers in Jesus Christ, feel terrified for these people at the coming wrath of God?  Do we?  Do we feel rebellious about it?  What are your current emotions?

Remember God is Sovereign.  Ask the Lord to open your heart to feel and see His pulse.  Be repentant of this rebellion against Him and His coming punishment upon unbelieving people.

God gave the people of Israel ample time - years and years; and ample warning - prophet after prophet.  It's been about 2000 years since the message of salvation through Jesus Christ began to ring out.  Many lost their lives in proclaiming God's message of love to the people in their generations starting with the apostles who had gruesome deaths.

How about us, now?  Evangelism is still needed prime time.

God's answer to Habakukk's second complaint was to tell him to write it down and get a "herald to run" with the warning message, yet again (see Habakkuk 2:2-3).

Our one and only Sovereign God is mighty and awesome.  He is in control.  Knowledge of His glory will fill the earth.  It will be swamped with it on  the coming day when Jesus comes the second time.

As believers in Jesus Christ we are the ones to fill the earth and proclaim His message to the ends of the earth, starting at home?  Our testimony is a start along with our belief system.  Number 1, Do you truly believe God is Sovereign?  Number 2, If you don't, how will you then accept His Word even about end times?

It's good to look into each of God's attributes.  Can you name any?  The book I was reading gave a little exercise.  Get a piece of paper and a pen handy.  For the next 10 seconds list as many of God attributes off the top of your head as you can.  Even if it ends up only one or two, that's ok.  Once the 10 seconds are up, stop.  Lay your pen down.

Ok...Start...10 secs.  STOP.

See what you have.  Work now with whatever you have.  Choose your favorite attribute.  Now write out why that is, in your journal.

If we go through each attribute of God we can think of and maybe search the internet for others, then take each in turn, learning the meaning and how you can relate to Him in this way.  You will discover closer connection to God.  You will know more of His glory.  This glory will begin to flood you and out to the earth in greater measure.

My favorite attribute of God is that He is just.  God is just.  This means people will get what they deserve, which may not sound too Chrsitan of me.  It does let me relax and let God handle it.

It's more human, I suppose.  When people wrong us, we like to see justice done.  Yet we do know that God's mercy is more and the day of grace is still now!  We too can show forth mercy, grace and forgiveness.  In time to come, God will set all things right.  Trust Him.

Habakkuk had to.  See his prayer in chapter 3.  In God's 

"wrath he strode through the earth and in anger threshed the nations" (Habakkuk 3:12-13).

God's sovereign justice will come.  The nation Babylon who punished Israel, will be held accountable (Read history and the book of Revelation).  Nations nowadays that lord it over the earth and other nations, still plowing through like bulldozers, will also stand before the throne of God.

Trust Him.

I've been praying almost since the beginning, that the Ukraine-Russian Conflict be stopped by God, pronto!  It hasn't yet.  I feel Habakkuk's frustrations.  Think of all those who have died because of it, been maimed physically, mentally and emotionally because of it; those who have been raped, human trafficked and more because of it and so on and on.  And recently in the news, we heard that President Zelensky is advocating marijuana use for his citizens to help numb the pain from war trauma!  WHEN is it all going to stop!?

Then the years spent praying on behalf of our unsaved relatives seem to go unanswered.  We've prayed for them for donkey years but nothing seems to move.  We are afraid for them.  Yet they take offense at our telling the full gospel message.  Pray that in God's timing all will come to Christ.  The decision is up to them.  We have to accept God's consequences for whatever choice those relatives and friends make, as awful as it may be.

Are you all out for Jesus?  Do you give only part of yourself to Him?  God wants us either hot or cold; not lukewater (see Revelation 3:15-16).  Give your all, or nothing, to Him.  Surrender to Him.  Habakkuk looked at God's Sovereignty and his heart did what it needed to do in order to surrender.  Those are marvelous words of giving his 'all'.  

Read Habakkuk 3:16-19.  Read a second time; third if you like.  He made his choice, 

"yet I will rejoice in the LORD,"  and "I will be joyful in God my Savior" (vs 18). [empahasis mine]

We may not always understand God's ways, after all, He's so much BIGGER than us.  His thoughts are not ours.  They are bigger and higher than ours could ever be (see Isaiah 55:8).  We can choose to be joyful in the Lord come what may.

So, give your all, or nothing.  Choose.

Peter had this quandary but I like his before and after shots.  That is, before and after Pentecost.  Before, he was rather an impetuous and foot-in-mouth type of person.  Although I believe he meant well, mostly.  He, along with the other apostles and disciples were afraid.  They'd locked themselves up tight into the Upper Room for fear of the Jews.

The Lord 'tasered' them with His Holy Spirit and all Heaven, so to speak, broke loose.  Peter boldly proclaimed the message of Jesus, and in one session around 3000 people came to Christ.  We know from history that Peter suffered for his faith in Christ to the point of martyrdom.  History records Peter died upsidedown on a cross.

The things like his denial of Christ during Christ's trial, was something that could have hung over his head, marring his testimony.  He met with Christ post resurrection and got it sorted out with Him.

How about us?  Do we have anything, a sin which so easily besets us - that can and does mar our testimony?  Anger?  Temptations?  Unforgiveness?  Rebellion?

Look up and read Hebrews 4:12.  Really read it.

"For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."

Do you surrender yourself to the Holy Spirit's sword - the Word of God?  See if there be any thing in you as indicated from God's Word.  Invite the Lord to examine your heart, thoughts, and attitudes.  Make it right with Him.  Surrender.  Either, all or nothing.  Let God's word transform you.

Write out a prayer about it.  Prayers of confession, repentance and acceptance of Sovereign God's ways.  Pray it until the Lord works wonders for you in your thoughts and attitudes of heart.

As your 'all' becomes more all encompassing, praise the Lord so that the whole earth will be filled with His glory (see Habakkuk 2:14).  May your acceptance bring you joy as Habakkuk found by his good choice.

The parallel to Habakkuk's day to ours can be seen in the coming judgement.  Israel's of that time was the Babylonian attack.  Today, its the second coming of Christ.

As Christians we often look forward expectantly and happily to the 'Part 1' of His coming again.  I'm talking about the rapture, which I believe in.  The trumpet blast, and Jesus' call from the clouds, "Come" and up we go in a blink of an eye to be with Him forever.

Later, we join Him in His coming all the way back to earth, the 'Part 2' - second coming.  the Second Coming is the fearful thing.  For Habakkuk, the Babylonian advance.  For us today as we stand there, figuratively speaking, with Habakkuk on the ramparts watching things unfold, on our present world, we should be fearful for all the unsaved.  Their JUGDEMENT IS COMING! We know not neither the day nor the hour.  Only God does.

In the meantime, actively seek to proclaim the full message of Jesus - salvation and the consequences of rejecting Christ.  It's petrifying to think of.  Remember that our Lord is Sovereign so have reverent fear of Him despite it all.

Pray fervently and persistantly for you loved ones to accept Christ. Don't mar your testimony.  Surrender all to Him.  Be joyful in hope and the Lord until He comes.  Let the Lord be your strength as we await God's timing.

                                                      ~ERC  June 2023~

Based on Habakkuk 1-3.

Sing, Habakkuk Song, along with Dinesh Stephen.

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