Saturday, June 24, 2023

Lord's Day Devotion - Swamp the Terror


Brothers and sisters-in-Christ, rejoice in the LORD, be joyful in God your Savior.  Let Him be your strength, and move your feet with the gospel of peace, like a deer that treads on the heights (see Habakkuk 3:18-19).

Sing, Christians, sing!

Sing, at the cross of Jesus where all your sins have gone.  Sing, at the cross of Jesus where all your punishment has gone.  Sing, at the cross of Jesus before it is forever too late.

Our world is in no fit state, evil increases daily just as badly as in Habakkuk's day.  Judgement is coming.  We will escape but it'll be terrifying for those who have not gone to the cross for redemption of their souls.

TERROR.  Violence.  Destruction.  Strife.  Conflict.  Justice does not prevail.  The wicked hem in the righteous more and more.  Just this wickedness alone is terrifying but when God's judgments descend, the terror will be more manifold upon the individual as well as the nations who have not sought God in repentance.

Can you stand by on the ramparts now and visualize what's going to happen?  Can you blame God that it will be so harsh while we 'righteous' ones live by His faithfulness to us?

Our sins and iniquities tauted Him.  He made us righteous through our faith in His Son Jesus.  His Holy Spirit filled us and brought us knowledge of the glory of the LORD, in abundance, 

" waters cover the sea" (Habakkuk 2:14).

The knowledge and His love swamped us.  Will we keep it to ourselves?  Will we stand by silently now?!  OR, does this galvanize us into evangelizing before the fullness of God the Righteous Judge's wrath brings unquenched terror upon the wicked and upon our unbelieving relatives who do not yet know Christ as Lord and Savior.

As we reach to take the broken bread and drink of the cup of wine in remembrance of our Savior's death and rescue from such coming terror this Lord's Day, be grateful, thankful and sing your praises to Him who spared us the coming horrors.  

People like horror stories but this is not one to play with.  Therefore, go forth and proclaim this message of Jesus before it is forever too late.  

May this terror be overcome with joy in their Savior.

It will be terrifying to stand by and watch if not, but the Lord of all the earth does right.

                                                     ~ERC  June 2023~

Based on Habakkuk 1-3.

Sing, Rescue the Perishing, along with Islington Baptist Church.

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